Discussion topic: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

This message was authored by Dboyd This message was authored by: Dboyd

Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

Honestly, since 'upgrading' to Sky Stream from Sky Q - it's a  been nothing but a frustrating nightmare. We have had issues for almost a year now with Sky freezing and no way to rectify it except for unplugging the puck and only then will the home page come back on... only to freeze again. The remote just seems to be defunct as soon as it freezes so there is no other option. Obviously tried everything- new batteries, refreshing/ resetting- nothing works. We have paid for Sky Sports for over 4years and I swear on my life I am yet to be able to watch one whole football match without having to switch off/ unplug/restart umpteen times...it DRIVES ME MAD and then I ultimately end up watching it via Sky Go on my laptop, as I've succumbed to again today and yesterday. We have spent tens of hours on the phone, doing diagnostic tests etc... had 7 engineer visits and yet they always say it's the internet ( we have superfast and 4 pods around the house to extend WiFi).  I honestly am at my wits end... it's NOT Super Sunday here. I expect I'll have to spend the whole afternoon on the phone again tomorrow - how they can make people pay for this service is an absolute joke. 

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dboyd wrote:

Honestly, since 'upgrading' to Sky Stream from Sky Q - it's a  been nothing but a frustrating nightmare. We have had issues for almost a year now with Sky freezing and no way to rectify it except for unplugging the puck and only then will the home page come back on... only to freeze again. The remote just seems to be defunct as soon as it freezes so there is no other option. Obviously tried everything- new batteries, refreshing/ resetting- nothing works. We have paid for Sky Sports for over 4years and I swear on my life I am yet to be able to watch one whole football match without having to switch off/ unplug/restart umpteen times...it DRIVES ME MAD and then I ultimately end up watching it via Sky Go on my laptop, as I've succumbed to again today and yesterday. We have spent tens of hours on the phone, doing diagnostic tests etc... had 7 engineer visits and yet they always say it's the internet ( we have superfast and 4 pods around the house to extend WiFi).  I honestly am at my wits end... it's NOT Super Sunday here. I expect I'll have to spend the whole afternoon on the phone again tomorrow - how they can make people pay for this service is an absolute joke. 

This is the all the signs of WIFI network strength being the issue ( i initially had the same issue particular with Sports). I'd suggest trying to switch over from Wifi to an ethernet connection and see if that helps. Once the ethernet cable is plugged in make sure you disable the Wifi in the settings on the puck and then reboot the puck to ensure it disables the WiFi.


To reboot:

1. Go to Settings
2. Go to System Management
3. Press Select
4. Go to Resets and Updates
5. Press Select
6. Go to Restart Device
7. Press Select.

Note this will take a few minutes to reboot, so expect to see a blank screen for 2 minutes until the Sky logo appears as its starting up.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dboyd wrote:

Honestly, since 'upgrading' to Sky Stream from Sky Q - it's a  been nothing but a frustrating nightmare. We have had issues for almost a year now with Sky freezing and no way to rectify it except for unplugging the puck and only then will the home page come back on... only to freeze again. The remote just seems to be defunct as soon as it freezes so there is no other option. Obviously tried everything- new batteries, refreshing/ resetting- nothing works. We have paid for Sky Sports for over 4years and I swear on my life I am yet to be able to watch one whole football match without having to switch off/ unplug/restart umpteen times...it DRIVES ME MAD and then I ultimately end up watching it via Sky Go on my laptop, as I've succumbed to again today and yesterday. We have spent tens of hours on the phone, doing diagnostic tests etc... had 7 engineer visits and yet they always say it's the internet ( we have superfast and 4 pods around the house to extend WiFi).  I honestly am at my wits end... it's NOT Super Sunday here. I expect I'll have to spend the whole afternoon on the phone again tomorrow - how they can make people pay for this service is an absolute joke. 

This is the all the signs of WIFI network strength being the issue ( i initially had the same issue particular with Sports). I'd suggest trying to switch over from Wifi to an ethernet connection and see if that helps. Once the ethernet cable is plugged in make sure you disable the Wifi in the settings on the puck and then reboot the puck to ensure it disables the WiFi.


To reboot:

1. Go to Settings
2. Go to System Management
3. Press Select
4. Go to Resets and Updates
5. Press Select
6. Go to Restart Device
7. Press Select.

Note this will take a few minutes to reboot, so expect to see a blank screen for 2 minutes until the Sky logo appears as its starting up.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dboyd wrote:


had 7 engineer visits and yet they always say it's the internet ( we have superfast and 4 pods around the house to extend WiFi). 

Wouldn't that rather suggest inherently challenging WiFi conditions?

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
Topic Author
This message was authored by Dboyd This message was authored by: Dboyd

Re: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

Ah thank you for this. I will definitely try it.... although for some reason they installed the router upstairs, so there's one tv and Sky puck there and  the main tv is obviously downstairs in the lounge. If I connect the upstairs puck to the router with an Ethernet cable and keep the downstairs puck connected by WiFi, do you think that could improve it at all?? Apologies I'm not really clued up on this and appreciate your help! 🙏🏽

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dboyd wrote:

Ah thank you for this. I will definitely try it.... although for some reason they installed the router upstairs, so there's one tv and Sky puck there and  the main tv is obviously downstairs in the lounge. If I connect the upstairs puck to the router with an Ethernet cable and keep the downstairs puck connected by WiFi, do you think that could improve it at all?? Apologies I'm not really clued up on this and appreciate your help! 🙏🏽

Perhaps first test with your upstairs one and see if it improves thing.


If it does and your downstairs one is still having issues you could look at purchasing some powerline adapters to allow you to connect that one up via ethernet. You can grab perfectly acceptable powerline adapters for about £30-40. You don't need premium ones for the Sky streaming platform as the ethernet port is capped at 100 Mbps.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Dboyd This message was authored by: Dboyd

Re: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

It would! Although the engineers who have come out always say we have sufficient WiFi for it to work- it's not even a big property so it should work, alas... 

Weve only ended up with so many as a couple of times when we've called they've just sent one out, and then the engineers have given us a couple, when they visit to 'fix' the problem they just move them around each time. 
We never had this issue with Sky Q so to me it definitely seems to be the WiFi.... 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

The issue is that Wifi extenders won't necessary help with the WiFi strength, as all they do is repeat a Wifi signal, so whilst it may help a little bit it won't really boost the Wifi signal in any reasonable way.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Dboyd This message was authored by: Dboyd

Re: Sky Sports DOESN’T ever work!!!

Seriously, thank you so much for your suggestions- this sounds like it could help, I will give it a try but it's likely I'll end up having to purchase a power line adapter like you said. 


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