Discussion topic: Auto Audio Mode doesn’t work

This message was authored by Andy_Hardy This message was authored by: Andy_Hardy

Auto Audio Mode doesn’t work

We've had the Sky Stream Puck for a week or so when suddenly we had distorted audio. I called support and they said "must be the network" and muttered something about latency.


Coincidentally, I had a new fibre broadband connection coming by next day - but once that was installed (great speed / latency less than 7ms to London), the problem remained.


I have now found the problem: I found a menu setting on the Sky Puck: if set to Auto the audio is distorted most of the time.  If set to anything else (Dolby +, Dolby, PCM) it seems OK.  If set to pass through it sometimes is / isn't ok.


Any ideas why this might be the case..?





Best Answers
This message was authored by kdp99 This message was authored by: kdp99 Answer

Re: Auto Audio Mode doesn’t work

Auto is not very clever and pass through is not pass through (output is NOT independant of receiving device), I set mine to Dolby D + and all was well.


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