Discussion topic: Skip ads button

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Skip ads button

thank you @MarkGoldsmith Can you give us examples for Sky on demand and where I can find these on stream please. I have tried my 5, channel 4, itv x apps and can't see the button but I presume that is what you referring to.

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: Skip ads button

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Super+Anthony wrote:

thank you @MarkGoldsmith Can you give us examples for Sky on demand and where I can find these on stream please. I have tried my 5, channel 4, itv x apps and can't see the button but I presume that is what you referring to.

@Super+Anthony the button only appears on on demand content from sky branded channels such as sky Atlantic, sky witness etc 

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This message was authored by Gincap This message was authored by: Gincap

Re: Skip ads button

If ADs are a headache it is worth signing up to ITVX and C4+ if you watch content from these broadcasters. Often deals to be had. ITVX was £2 per month not sure if that offer still stands. 

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Skip ads button

I have tested out on The Day of the Jackal. I can see on this one no adverts but there is no button? @SKY1992bf 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Dazzasky This message was authored by: Dazzasky

Re: Skip ads button

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Super+Anthony wrote:

I have tested out on The Day of the Jackal. I can see on this one no adverts but there is no button? @SKY1992bf 

If you try the HD version then you will see the button @Super+Anthony 

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Skip ads button

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Super+Anthony Just a thought, have you received the latest update (QS034.022.00P)?  It is still rolling out so maybe you haven't received it yet.

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This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Skip ads button

Yes I have @Fothergill1 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Skip ads button

@Dazzasky I have watched something on Sky Atlantic on HDR/UHD and no adverts but there was no button. Not very clear once again by Sky

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Dazzasky This message was authored by: Dazzasky

Re: Skip ads button

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Super+Anthony wrote:

@Dazzasky I have watched something on Sky Atlantic on HDR/UHD and no adverts but there was no button. Not very clear once again by Sky

As I said before, if you try the HD version then you will see the skip add button @Super+Anthony 

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Skip ads button

Tried that. Can't find it. Another issue for Sky to accept responsibility for

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Skip ads button

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Super+Anthony wrote:

@Dazzasky I have watched something on Sky Atlantic on HDR/UHD and no adverts but there was no button. Not very clear once again by Sky

Hi @Super+Anthony you mention there were no adverts so you would not see the skip ads button as it only appears when there are Ads to skip.


I use the button all the time and it is really great.  My only suggestion to Sky would be for the button to stay visible a little longer before disapearing (but it does appear again if you go to FF through the ads).

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This message was authored by Dazzasky This message was authored by: Dazzasky

Re: Skip ads button

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Super+Anthony wrote:

Tried that. Can't find it. Another issue for Sky to accept responsibility for

I've just tried the HD version of The Day Of The Jackal and the skip adds button is there from the second it starts streaming, so not really sure what's going on with your puck.  @Super+Anthony 

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Skip ads button

All very odd @Dazzasky 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Skull+Treaty This message was authored by: Skull+Treaty

Re: Skip ads button

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dazzasky wrote:

@Super+Anthony wrote:

Tried that. Can't find it. Another issue for Sky to accept responsibility for

I've just tried the HD version of The Day Of The Jackal and the skip adds button is there from the second it starts streaming, so not really sure what's going on with your puck.  @Super+Anthony 

I just did the very same, episode 1 (HD). Right from the start the 'skip ads' button is there on the right-hand side. 
First time I've seen it, most of the Sky's own content we watch is either UHD/HDR or live so the 'skip ads' isn't available. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose"
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Skip ads button

@Skull+Treaty which channel are you using so I can try? I just went to program and there was no button but there was no adverts

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )

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