Discussion topic: Please wait for programme to load

This message was authored by Jonathanphillip This message was authored by: Jonathanphillip

Please wait for programme to load

I've got this issue yet again it got stuck on homepage and rv listings and all the channels went off air for no reason Tried ringing sky they were closed  tried a restart got it up and running and after that it went back to please wait for programme to load yet again playing up tonight the puck many thanks 


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Topic Author
This message was authored by Jonathanphillip This message was authored by: Jonathanphillip

Re: Please wait for programme to load

Checking on Netflix speed test 35.39 mbps which it's showing now 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jonathanphillip This message was authored by: Jonathanphillip

Re: Please wait for programme to load

The private community chat were very helpful they said if its happened again we will look in to why its happening broadband connection yeah that's correct they were quite helpful many thanks 

This message was authored by Cable3232 This message was authored by: Cable3232

Re: Please wait for programme to load

I have had the same issue (400Mb connection only stream streaming) and even re-created the issue with Sky on the phone.


No fix - we just have to wait for Sky to fix their content delivery system or firmware to puck


Last night, it happened for a solid 10 minutes on all channels but a few. 


Suggested fixes (which I have tried)

  1. Wired connection
  2. Sky DNS
  3. Replacement puck



Topic Author
This message was authored by Jonathanphillip This message was authored by: Jonathanphillip

Re: Please wait for programme to load

Your not the only one then it comes up when flicking through most channels and black screen states please wait whilst we load your programme nothing happens technical issues please come back later but I switched the hub off and that same message came up please wait whilst we load your programme after switching off the hub so that is down to the hub oh well thanks for that info though 

This message was authored by Beef999 This message was authored by: Beef999

Re: Please wait for programme to load

We get this fairly often and mostly when selecting "watch programme from start". We're on Hyperoptic fibre which is, as far as I believe, prone to issues with Sky (or vis-versa). No idea what the fix maybe except getting rid of Sky or Hyperoptic 

This message was authored by CinderKona This message was authored by: CinderKona

Re: Please wait for programme to load

Same issue here too.

This is my second puck in 4 months.

This message was authored by Mosesnantwiich This message was authored by: Mosesnantwiich

Re: Please wait for programme to load

My sky glass to keeps saying

please wait for your programme to load

this happens on all channels including recorded playback films etc.

This message was authored by Toties This message was authored by: Toties

Re: Please wait for programme to load

I think the sky glass/puck looses packets quite often? This is down to a bad Internet connection.  I have rebooted my router twice a week and it seems to have cured it (somewhat) I think another problem could be poor software being sent out to the puck? Either way it's a sky problem and they should be addressing it

This message was authored by Gilly147 This message was authored by: Gilly147

Re: Please wait for programme to load

What do I do to get programmes to load

This message was authored by Cable32321 This message was authored by: Cable32321

Re: Please wait for programme to load

Reboot it bad


or just home button

or 1 channel up the. Go back to the channel needed

This message was authored by Gilly147 This message was authored by: Gilly147

Re: Please wait for programme to load

None of those work sadly


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