Discussion topic: can't watch sky store rental on my tv,,, despite sky store saying I can.... really annoyed about thi

This message was authored by crabapple123 This message was authored by: crabapple123

can't watch sky store rental on my tv,,, despite sky store saying I can.... really annoyed about thi

I’ve received email with link, taking me to sky store FAQs




How do I watch a Sky Store movie or TV show?

You can watch Sky Store movies and TV shows online at skystore.com or on your LG Smart TV, NOW TV box, Roku box, Android/iOS mobiles and tablets. If you have Sky TV, you can watch Sky Store on your compatible Sky box and Sky Glass.


Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: can't watch sky store rental on my tv,,, despite sky store saying I can.... really annoyed about

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If you rented the film on your Sky box then you can watch it via your Sky box but what the FAQ isn't very clear about is if you rented the film online then you can not watch it via your Sky box because unlike Buy and Keep films you can't send them to your Sky box.


If you have a LG TV you can watch it via the Sky Store app built into the TV or if you have Google Chromecast you can cast it to your TV to watch.

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