Discussion topic: Sky Store on Device not working

This message was authored by Lucyed This message was authored by: Lucyed

Sky Store on Device not working

Is anyone else having issues? I've reinstalled app but same issue is happening. Will let me log in but when I click to play movie it just whirls with Sky Logo then goes black and then returns to first page. This is happening on two devices. Both have newest software updates and both tried with/without mobile data and WiFi etc  but still same issue.

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Sky Store on Device not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

This appears to be an ongoing issue at present as I get an "Alert, We are experiencing a problem" message when I hit play against any purchased film.This is via an iPad. So all we can do is for Sky to fix it so in the meantime you could always send an email to the apps team about this - apps@sky.uk don't forget to say what device you are using.

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