Discussion topic: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

This message was authored by Jaxx25 This message was authored by: Jaxx25

YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Firstly, Sky Q is not worth the money at all, the remote randomly steps responding even though the batteries are fresh. It looks and feels better though on the screen. But that's it for me.


Anyway, to the point...

So the past few weeks I've noticed the YouTube app on the Sky Q that when I pause a video, for any amount of time it'll play fine for about 20 seconds then freeze with "loading..." in the middle of the video.

This stays loading for up to 30 seconds before resuming again and it always seems to skip some of the video, as if it's been playing the whole time anyway.

Sometimes I can bypass this loading/buffering thing by skipping forwards or backwards a bit.

But my god is it annoying..

When I remember I grab the TV remote and just use the YouTube app on the TV instead because it works perfectly (and better actually since it shows a preview of each video before I open it) but it would be nice to just stick with the one remote..


I've tried "refreshing" the apps with the 0, 0, 1, Select on settings etc etc but that seems to do nothing at all, except display "your apps are being refreshed" indefinitely.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated..


All Replies

This message was authored by katekelly31 This message was authored by: katekelly31

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Yes, me too. It's really annoying!

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jaxx25 This message was authored by: Jaxx25

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Ikr, I hope someone can help us..

This message was authored by Spuderman This message was authored by: Spuderman

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

I have this too. New in the last month on SkyQ mini. 

YouTube app buffers after pausing and takes 10-20 seconds to return to normal. 

Sky - we need an app fix!

This message was authored by Lg+oled65b7v This message was authored by: Lg+oled65b7v

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

I have this too.


Massively annoying.


Unlike the OP I love SKY Q, but this is a pain.

This message was authored by mjm5 This message was authored by: mjm5

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

me to.  Sky get your act together 

This message was authored by RS2OOO This message was authored by: RS2OOO

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Getting the same problem here too, been doing it for almost 2 months now.

This message was authored by Baal This message was authored by: Baal

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Exactly the same problem here for the last couple of months-becoming very annoying!

This message was authored by Skywatch This message was authored by: Skywatch

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

i have the same problem have tried switching off and unplugging box and the 001 apps reset but problem is getting more frequent.  at first it was Netflix only but now YouyTube as well.  This is exttremely frudstrasting and I dont see a fix coming from Sky.  

This message was authored by pj764 This message was authored by: pj764

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Same issue 😞

This message was authored by remainhopeful This message was authored by: remainhopeful

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Mine has been doing the same for about 3 months and just recently, it is doing the same on BBC iPlayer!?

This message was authored by JohnMansfield-UK This message was authored by: JohnMansfield-UK

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Me too. Started suddenly one day about 3 months ago, now happens every time a watch a video.

This message was authored by AndyCazza This message was authored by: AndyCazza

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Been having the same problem too, for the last few weeks. Very annoying! 

This message was authored by Dave+1015 This message was authored by: Dave+1015

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

I love Sky Q but have had the YouTube fault for about 3 months now. It is really annoying and I would have expected it to have been fixed by now. I also have the remote control fault, delayed response on many functions.

This message was authored by jblink This message was authored by: jblink

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Same problem.  

I have not yet figured out a consistent set of conditions when this happens, so it seems to be random.  This happens on the main Sky Q box and also the minis.  I did update the app on each box and it appeared to go away but after a few days the problem returned and has remained. I can also say that it does not happen on the same TVs when using the TV's you tube app.  So far, touch wood, it has not happened on any other app on Sky.


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