Discussion topic: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

This message was authored by Redstrpesleslie This message was authored by: Redstrpesleslie

Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Tried the 7&9 buttons followed by the 1&3 buttons on Sky Q remote to pair the latter to new TV but message came up as unsuccessful!, Sky list has a TX-43MX600B on their list but not the TX-43MX800B model that we have, has anyone encountered same problem?, is it worth trying to pair the remote to the 600B model%.


All Replies

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Redstrpesleslie wrote:

Tried the 7&9 buttons followed by the 1&3 buttons on Sky Q remote to pair the latter to new TV but message came up as unsuccessful!, Sky list has a TX-43MX600B on their list but not the TX-43MX800B model that we have, has anyone encountered same problem?, is it worth trying to pair the remote to the 600B model%.

Hi @Redstrpesleslie 

I'd suspect that the models would have the same setting.

Also try the remote setup in Home - Settings - Setup - Remote Control.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Redstrpesleslie This message was authored by: Redstrpesleslie

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Hi@oldfella, thanks for reply, tried pairing remote using method you mentioned but it was unsuccessful primarily I believe because the TV model we have is not on the Sky list!, annoying

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Redstrpesleslie wrote:

Hi@oldfella, thanks for reply, tried pairing remote using method you mentioned but it was unsuccessful primarily I believe because the TV model we have is not on the Sky list!, annoying

hi @Redstrpesleslie 


Just try using the 'Find it' for me option - my 42MZ980 & GZ980 both work with the first code suggested for Panasonic 

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Redstrpesleslie wrote:

Hi@oldfella, thanks for reply, tried pairing remote using method you mentioned but it was unsuccessful primarily I believe because the TV model we have is not on the Sky list!, annoying

Hi @Redstrpesleslie 

Most models of the same brand will normally have the same remote coding.

With the Q box on with green led try completly resetting your Bluetooth remote again.
Press and hold 7 & 9 together on the remote until it’s led flashes four times.
Then make sure that you are pointing your remote at the Q box and press 1 & 3 together until the remote led flashes and follow onscreen instructions to re- pair.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Redstrpesleslie This message was authored by: Redstrpesleslie

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Hi @nigea99, thanks for the reply, I'll give that option a try tomorrow but when trying to pair the remote today there were 25 options to try and none worked!!

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Redstrpesleslie wrote:

Hi @nigea99, thanks for the reply, I'll give that option a try tomorrow but when trying to pair the remote today there were 25 options to try and none worked!!

hi @Redstrpesleslie 


I would be very surprised if the 1st one doesn't work - to my knowledge Panasonic rarely changes its codes & the older TV remotes I have had over the last several years have worked my newer TVs - as I mention my MZ (last years OLED model - the same model  year as your MX LED) works with the same codes as my older GZ TV. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Redstrpesleslie This message was authored by: Redstrpesleslie

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Hi@oldfella, thanks once again, I tried that precise method 3 times today to no avail so will try the find it method tomorrow and see if that works 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Redstrpesleslie This message was authored by: Redstrpesleslie

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Hi@nigea99, thanks again, will have another try of the option you advise, fingers crossed I get some success 

This message was authored by Mister_Dalek This message was authored by: Mister_Dalek

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list


One other thing to try is choose Vestel as the manufacturer instead of Panasonic. 
Vestel make some of the cheaper Panasonic LCD models for the European market. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Redstrpesleslie This message was authored by: Redstrpesleslie

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Hi Mister-Dalek, many thanks will have a try with that option too

This message was authored by GinaG63 This message was authored by: GinaG63

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

I had the same problem went to inputs and it was in there

This message was authored by Deeaf This message was authored by: Deeaf

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

I was experiencing the same issue on my new Panasonic model TX-55MZ800B and I tried the suggestion of using Vestel as the model of the TV instead of Panasonic and it worked straight away.  Thanks for providing thge suggestion!

This message was authored by Larky1 This message was authored by: Larky1

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Thanks so much. Ive been having same issue with my new panasonic not being  listed. Just tried vestel and 2nd code in worked👍👍👍👍👍👍

This message was authored by ArchieB1 This message was authored by: ArchieB1

Re: Unable to pair Sky Q remote to new Panasonic TV, the model we have is not on the Sky list

Having the same problem with a new Panasonic and Sky Stream remote.

Vestel doesn't come up as an option. 😟


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