Discussion topic: Slow sky Q download

This message was authored by spov This message was authored by: spov

Slow sky Q download

Tell me sky aren't slowing your Q boxes down when you don't use there internet! 

went with Lila connect as they are the only gigabit provider in my area and were also cheaper since have 500mbps internet with another provider my sky box has gone from downloading a 4K HDR show in a few minutes to taking well over an hour. My older internet (sky) was 58mbps None of the help guides have sorted this issue either telly me why with 10X quicker internet my box is downloading 100X slower! 

Best Answers
This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: Slow sky Q download

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@spov wrote:

Just ran a speed test using Netflix (not sure how reliable it is) but apparently it's getting 13.3 out of a portable 517 rest of the house all devices regardless off 2.4 or 5GHz connectivity are all reviving between 400-517 unsure why sky boxes are so different, totally unusable at the moment may have to hard wire it and pray the mrs doesn't see all the cables! Absolutely shocking bit of kit though if that all it's picking up total toss! 

Hi @spov 

Try a Reset Settings in the Q box hidden menu.
To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
Only Carry out the first Reset (Reset Settings) as the other two will wipe all recordings.
After the Reset you will have to re pair your Bluetooth remote If you use one.
If you cannot switch the Q box on with the remote after the Reset press the Standby button (Amber led) on the front of the box.
To re pair the remote press 1 & 3 together on the remote and follow onscreen instructions to re pair.

Make sure that you are pointing the remote at the Q box when you press 1 & 3 together.

Resetting the settings will also reset:

Audio visual settings, such as picture resolution and HDMI control
Settings changed within the hidden engineer menu, include LNB type. If on a communal dish you need to reset the LNB to SCR in the hidden menu. After changing the LNB type you need to reboot the Q box.

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