Hi @Daniel-F ,
Further crash information for you.
Please let me know if anything else is required, I will paste this full information when replying.
- Can you let me know the EE router model you have? EE Smart Hub Plus SH31B
- Is this connected via ethernet or WiFi? Set up via Ethernet
- Are you using any other network boosting features, such as a mesh? EE Smart Wifi Plus - extenders (2) SW30A
- What is your Sky Q box hardware & Software version? - This can be found by pressing Home > going into settings > going to system info. Please only provide the hardware version and software version exactly how it's shown on screen. 32B12D, Q270.000.10.02L (5u193hm)
- At what time does the Sky Q box start acting up with the noise? ideally we want some exact time stamps on this. See daily record below
- When the fans are wirring, can you still navigate the Sky Q menus or is it inoperable? Completely inoperable, will not even switch off using the power button on the front - has to be power cycled.
- Is there a specific screen you are seeing on your Sky TV everytime this occurs? If occurs overnight, will not turn on so no screen. When it happens whilst the box is in use the picture freezes with a pink bleed, sometimes split screen - a high frquency repeated noise
Recent crashes
31/08/2024 - 15:43
01/09/2024 - 10:00, 20:45, 23:28
02/09/2024 - 01:43
03/09/2024 - None
04/09/2024 - None
05/09/2024 - 14:59, 18:00
06/09/2024 - None
07/09/2024 - 12:55
08/09/2024 - None
09/09/2024 - 09:55, 14:23
10/09/2024 - None
11/09/2024 - 18:05
12/09/2024 - pre-06:00
13/09/2024 - 14:06
14/09/2024 - None
15/08/2024 - 13:23, 16:02, 22:48
16/09/2024 - overnight
17/09/2024 - 12:00, 15:28, 16:32
18/09/2024 - overnight
19/09/3024 - 14:38
20/09/2024 - 12:28, 16:46
Points to note
- Main Q Box has been connected via Ethernet to the hub both through a switch and directly - crashes still occur.
- I have tried disconnecting the box from Ethernet and connecting via Wi-Fi only - crashes still occur.
- Box will not retain a Wi-Fi connection when placed into standby mode, when turned back on I receive a message advising no network connection
- None of my boxes use Wi-Fi, all are connected via cat5 Ethernet.