Discussion topic: Sky Q mini

This message was authored by Jade139 This message was authored by: Jade139

Sky Q mini



I had a sky Q mini box, it wasn't in use for a few months. I had this horrible smell that smelt like vinegar. I loved the sky Q mini box up and it was covered in this liquid, it seemed like the box melted. I didn't have anything on top of the box, so this couldn't have been the cause. 
I didn't know what to do with the box as it was covered in what looked like battery acid so I recycled the box, as it smelt really bad. 
I've just asked alt for a replacement but they are requesting my the box back, I didn't really think about this when I recycled the box, as I was more concerned about getting rid of this horrible smell, and mess the box made. I'm not sure if sky will now give me a replacement as I no longer have the box. 

Best Answers
This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210 Answer

Re: Sky Q mini

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


As the mini box, like the main Sky Q box, was only loaned to you they will charge you for not returning it which is currently £52. Give Sky a call to discuss.m

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