Discussion topic: Sky Q box froze night and the picture became pixelated black and white dots on the screen

This message was authored by Dobber1234 This message was authored by: Dobber1234

Sky Q box froze night and the picture became pixelated black and white dots on the screen

Hello there, quick question I was watching TV last night in bed. I had finished watching a YouTube video on my sky Q box and when I went to switch back to the TV after the YouTube video the box completely froze and there were black and white dots on the screen pixelated, I could go no further after this it got stuck completely in that position and I couldn't watch TV for the rest of the night. I use a wheelchair so was unable to get out of bed to switch it off and on the wall which would normally fix the problem but this is constantly happening every few weeks if it's not the pixelated picture then just out of the blue the picture itself on the television program will just freeze and I won't be able to go any further no matter how many buttons I press on my sky remote has anyone else ever had this problem that a sky Q box just freezes completely out of the blue Without warning and you have to switch it off and on at the wall again to get the problem to resolve itself I find it so frustrating. Why would this be happening? Would anyone know? I would appreciate some suggestions and advice please? Thank you.


Derek Michael O’Brien sky customer since 2006