Discussion topic: SKY Q dropped connection, reset it & now mini boxes won't connect

This message was authored by Woodturner This message was authored by: Woodturner

SKY Q dropped connection, reset it & now mini boxes won't connect

A couple of days ago, SKYQ main box dropped its connection with the router which is ethernet connected.  I reset the router & the main box & got this back, however ever since, I have not been able to get a stable connection on the mini boxes, go through the reconnection to the main box & then the internet via wi fi & get the mini boxes up & running for all of 2 minutes & they drop out again.  

Tried rebooting the router, tried rebooting SKY but nothing is helping.

So essentially cannot use the wi fi enabled mini box ib bedroom.

Hubby is disabled & spends a lot of time in bed & is now unablle to watch the TV.

Any assistance would be appreciated to get this sorted.

Do I need to get an engineer out to look at it?

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This message was authored by Woodturner This message was authored by: Woodturner Answer

Re: SKY Q dropped connection, reset it & now mini boxes won't connect

Did everything as per onscreen instructions which usually works, but this time does keep a stable connection.  Tried online chat to no avail. Rang & spoke to Carol on Sky Accesibility team & she talked me through everything. Essentially, turn everything off & turn on in following order,


1. Router

2. SKY Q box & check in settings that status of all 4 items is ticked.

3. 1st booster box & WPS Sync to router

4. 2nd booster box & WPS Sync to 1st booster

5. Mini box & sync to 2nd booster. Then check settings to ensure connection is resumed.

6. Same for 2nd & 3rd Mini Box.


Carol stayed on line while I chopped & changed channels for over 15 minutes to ensure everything was stable & asked me to turn mini box on again this afternoon to ensure it picks up first time, which I have yet to do.


Hope above checklist will help other people going through similar problems.


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