Discussion topic: No recordings showing on mini box

This message was authored by Athers1 This message was authored by: Athers1

No recordings showing on mini box

I've had problems at ince I changed broadband provider. I had the main q box and mini linked by 2 ee120 extenders . Anyway day I got new broadband the mesh was servered . After trying to reconfigure the ee120's I gave up on that idea and bought 3 deco E4's that , from posts on net, are supposed to be able to create a secure sky q mesh . Again total fail . Mini box just said I had connection to the main box and internet connection ( both ticked ) no live tv , no program guide , no recordings no apps ect . 

so I again phoned sky and I asked if a direct cat6 connection between the boxes would work . Said yes . So I've run cat6 between the two boxes . 40 metres . 
now I've got live tv , program guide, apps and I can watch Netflix , Apple TV ect 

BUT only thing it won't show is the recorded program list 


anyone had this and  found a solution 🙏🙏🙏