Discussion topic: Netflix has encountered an error. Code: tvq-st-102


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This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

@carrie171 wrote:

@Anonymous Contrary to popular belief, not everyone has a Smart TV.!

I have a 10 year old Plasma, which cost a small country's national debt, at the time. It does not have apps and I feel no reason to replace it because of that, I have Sky & I have Netflix, which I pay for and I expect to be able to use the service that I'm paying for! 
No one should have to rely on there built in apps to receive a product that should be being delivered through their service provider!

Stop your Netflix subscription then. Or replace the plasma TV perhaps and save money on your electricity 🙂


This message was authored by steve+bendell This message was authored by: steve+bendell

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

This is aggressive unhelpful and unnecessary.  We should be working together to solve the problems not being negative to each other.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@carrie171 wrote:

@Anonymous Contrary to popular belief, not everyone has a Smart TV.!

I have a 10 year old Plasma, which cost a small country's national debt, at the time. It does not have apps and I feel no reason to replace it because of that, I have Sky & I have Netflix, which I pay for and I expect to be able to use the service that I'm paying for! 
No one should have to rely on there built in apps to receive a product that should be being delivered through their service provider!

Indeed but his reply was to someone who said they were going to use their TV app instead.


I personally do use the various apps on my mini to get those services on our plasma in another room so it certainly would annoy me if it wasn't working. I think I'd invest in a firestick if it was my main TV though because the lack of proper 24Hz support and dolbyvision on the Sky app is a big drawback. (Not that my plasma has ever heard of 4k or HDR, let alone DolbyVision)

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

@steve+bendell wrote:

This is aggressive unhelpful and unnecessary.  We should be working together to solve the problems not being negative to each other.

Not at all, she asked for advice and since Sky and/or Netflix haven't resolved this issue and she claims to have no other way of watching on the TV screen, then cancelling the Netflix sub is her best way forward for now at least. I presume you don't think she should pay for something she can't get?


She may get a months refund if she asks nicely at the same time (around a fiver perhaps?). I'd invest it in a Firestick myself.

This message was authored by Malc23 This message was authored by: Malc23

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Thanks for your unhelpful response. 

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

@Malc23 wrote:

Thanks for your unhelpful response. 

You've not quoted anyone but I presume this is aimed at me? In what way is it not helpful?

This message was authored by MarkJ22 This message was authored by: MarkJ22

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

I'm sure many, including myself, are getting frustrated and I'm sure the Sky Superusers here are passing back the general feel of our comments to Sky.


So comments about other posts are not ideal, justified or not.


If a thread gets out of hand some mod will delete it and that helps no-one


So come on Superusers miss and admin. Make sure Sky know


This message was authored by Nynja+Squirrel This message was authored by: Nynja+Squirrel

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Just going to add my frustration here too. I've tried literally all the solutions in this thread, and none of them make any difference. Still crashing/not loading continiously, and it's only on the Sky Q box.

This message was authored by geemarc This message was authored by: geemarc

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Same issue have to do full rebbot half the time to get netflix.


Come on Sky this hasv been going on for months.

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

@geemarc wrote:

Same issue have to do full rebbot half the time to get netflix.


Come on Sky this hasv been going on for months.

Have you tried the trick of exiting the App and starting up another (iPlayer for instance), that will force stop the Netflix App which is going to be far quicker than a reboot.


BTW if forced to do a reboot, turning off the router at the same time for 30 seconds wouldn't do any harm. Just let the router fully reboot before doing the same to the STB.

This message was authored by MarkJ22 This message was authored by: MarkJ22

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Current Situation


Sometimes it works fine


Sometimes it does not.


When it does not I open iplayer and go through to the home page

Menu , then Netflix and it always loads after about 20 seconds


Its still not right but its better then not working at all.


My set up is SkyQ - Denon Amp - HDMI converter - Cat 6 cable - HDMI converter - Panasonic TV

Hard wired Sky Router to the SkyQ



This message was authored by geemarc This message was authored by: geemarc

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Thanks Colin have reset the router many times made no dofference.


Will try the app tip.



This message was authored by steve+bendell This message was authored by: steve+bendell

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Just as an extra consideration I haven't had an issue for some time and may be because I re booted the router for another problem, Error 403 on a Web page I regularly visit.  It may have been part of the resolution for this.

This message was authored by jph727 This message was authored by: jph727

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

This issue has been affecting me for a few of weeks too. Thought I'd just comment on this thread to show another user is affected by this. Only trick that works for me is to open another app first and then go into the Netflix app, doesn't work every time though, just got to keep trying. 

Frustrating but I'm sure they'll fix it eventually.

This message was authored by Andrew14766 This message was authored by: Andrew14766

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load


This has not resolved the issue for me.


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