Discussion topic: Netflix Password Sharing / Adding Extra Member

This message was authored by vbxco This message was authored by: vbxco

Netflix Password Sharing / Adding Extra Member

Our daughter is at university and has been using our Netflix account to watch TV, but after the announcement today that Netflix is reducing sharing to just devices in one household, I went looking to see what our options are for keeping our daughter connected to Netflix.


The Netflix website talks about an Extra Member option where you pay an additional £4.99 pm and can invite someone who is not in your household to watch, for example a daughter at university.


However, because we get our Netflix subscription as part of our Sky package there is no option on the Account page at Netflix to add an extra member. I also cannot find an option to add an extra member on the Sky.com account page.


Does anyone know how we add an Extra Member to our Netflix sub through Sky?




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