Discussion topic: Is sky Q and sky boxes in general eventually going to be obsolete?
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11 Feb 2025 06:59 PM
Hello Derek O’Brien here again sky customer since 2006 at the moment I am really happy with their service and have been for the past 19 years but I am afraid to say that with the changes that are coming down the track I will be forced very reluctantly to leave sky TV It is really unfair that they are bringing an end to satellite television and going for a Wi-Fi only option I understand that time is moving on and we all need to move with the times et cetera that is fine if you have reliable broadband infrastructure in your area but what if you don't? I've read with interest the reason that they have decided to go to Wi-Fi only TV instead of satellite is that the satellites are reaching the end of their life I know it's not sky's fault and they can't help it but I'm just saying that as a loyal customer of theirs I will be very disappointed with having to leave in a couple of years time, which is going to happen by the way, Because I love sky Q and TV that is run via satellite dish but if things are going the broadband only route then I will have no choice but to leave I'm heartbroken. I'm sure I'm not the only sky customer to feel this way I got my hopes up a little bit too much when I read recently that they were thinking of launching a new product foolishly I thought it would be an upgrade to the current sky Q box I read now today but it's not it's yet another smart TV how very disappointing sky should really think about where they are going with this. It will lose them a lot of customers and saying that the satellites in space the power TV are reaching the end of their life in my opinion is a copout it's just another way of forcing people on to broadband television services against their will, it's basically a way of getting more money out of people sky rethink your strategy please
from Derek Michael O’Brien sky customer since 2006 Worried sky customer about the future of my TV services
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11 Feb 2025 08:22 PM - last edited: 11 Feb 2025 08:27 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
I am sorry that the news of a new product got your hopes up but in the recent discussion prior to today's announcement & indeed on your discussion from last year we have tried to manage expectations over the time left for Satellite TV in the UK & Ireland & the focus that SKY and others have
Personally I will miss UK Satellite TV when the Satellites run out in a few years.
As per my info page I have had Satellite TV since just before Astra 1 was launched and had BSB (via the Squarial shown in my avatar) and SKY analogue & Digital as well as a separate Mortorised dish to be able see Satellites used for Europe
As I mentioned on the other discussion we do still have a few years left but in reality even SKY Q will have little change as all effort will go into Glass & Streaming
Satellote TV within Europe will last longer as there is a much larger customer base and multiple countries & broadcasters making it more viable.