Discussion topic: Continue watch prompt appears too early

This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Continue watch prompt appears too early

When I get 3/4 the way through watching my recorded program I get the notification along the bottom of my TV screen and it stays there till the end and it's annoying.  It used to come up at the end but now come up way too early  what can I do to stop this ? Anything at all  ? 


Moderator note: Amended title to better reflect query.

Best Answers
This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F Answer

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi all,


Thanks for sharing your experience about this issue on Sky Community 🙂


We are aware of an issue affecting some on demand content and work is being done to resolve this.  When we have more details to share on this I'll update the thread.


I'm marking this as the best answer (for now) so that it's brought to the top of the thread for other users.



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All Replies

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Sonnyjim wrote:

When I get 3/4 the way through watching my recorded program I get the notification along the bottom of my TV screen and it stays there till the end and it's annoying.  It used to come up at the end but now come up way too early  what can I do to stop this ? Anything at all  ? 

Hi @Sonnyjim 

Try a Reset Settings in the Q box hidden menu.
To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
Only Carry out the first Reset (Reset Settings) as the other two will wipe all recordings.
After the Reset you will have to re pair your Bluetooth remote If you use one.
If you cannot switch the Q box on with the remote after the Reset press the Standby button (Amber led) on the front of the box.
To re pair the remote press 1 & 3 together on the remote and follow onscreen instructions to re pair.

Make sure that you are pointing the remote at the Q box when you press 1 & 3 together.

Resetting the settings will also reset:

Audio visual settings, such as picture resolution and HDMI control
Settings changed within the hidden engineer menu, include LNB type. If on a communal dish you need to reset the LNB to SCR in the hidden menu. After changing the LNB type you need to reboot the Q box.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Thank you for the suggestion but I'm afraid it didn't work.  

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Sonnyjim wrote:

Thank you for the suggestion but I'm afraid it didn't work.  

Hi @Sonnyjim 

Check in Home - Settings - Setup - Preferences.

If you have Auto download next episode set to On see if turning it off makes any difference.

If it doesn't exactly what Notification you are seeing?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

 It's the notification that comes across the bottom of the screen and shows you the episodes. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati


 this is it but it's started to appear when there is still 10/15 minutes still to go in what I'm watching 

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Weird. I haven't seen this. Is it on all shows?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Only the ones that I have recorded. 

This message was authored by oj01 This message was authored by: oj01

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Sonnyjim wrote:

Only the ones that I have recorded. 

Recorded (from live broadcast) or Downloaded (from Catch Up)? 

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Mainly downloaded from catch up. 

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Is this doing it for all you recordings, or just some?

Do remember a few customers getting this problem a few years back.
Cannot remember what the resolution was.

I see you mention you did a box reset.
I would unplug the Sky Q box and keep off power for a few minutes, before powering up.
Keeping it off power for two minutes or more may settle the disk drive netter than a quick power off.


If that fails to solve the problem.
Plus, you do not mind losing your existing recordings or planned recordings, (read the on screen mesages carefully on that) might be worth trying a hard drive reset as described in step 2 here;

Can't record or delete and other recording problems | Sky Help | Sky.com


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This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Can you not cancel it by pressing the dismiss button?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Yes I can cancel it and it will disappear.  But the point is that it should not show until the program that I'm watching is Finnishing. . 

It usually comes up with a timer count down for next episode  but no count down.  And comes on 10/15 minutes too early.  Its so annoying when your still watching the episode. 

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Sonnyjim wrote:

Yes I can cancel it and it will disappear.  But the point is that it should not show until the program that I'm watching is Finnishing. . 

It usually comes up with a timer count down for next episode  but no count down.  And comes on 10/15 minutes too early.  Its so annoying when your still watching the episode. 

Hi @Sonnyjim 

Checkthat the Info button or the Select button is not sticking on your Q remote

Topic Author
This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

No the buttons are not sticking as it does the same in my bedroom on my sky mini Q.

And it always pops up at the 10/15 minutes to the end of that episode. 


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