Discussion topic: Continue watch prompt appears too early

Topic Author
This message was authored by Sonnyjim This message was authored by: Sonnyjim

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati


 nearly always the same on different programs.  

This message was authored by Dee521 This message was authored by: Dee521

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

just wondering did you solve the problem as mine is doing the same 

This message was authored by Kooolandy This message was authored by: Kooolandy

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

I have started to have exactly this issue. W

Does anyone know why?

This message was authored by EXC This message was authored by: EXC

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Mine is now doing the same 

This message was authored by Mightyfoxes This message was authored by: Mightyfoxes

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

This is also happening to us. Clearly some update causing a bug. A fix sky??

This message was authored by ftballman This message was authored by: ftballman

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Sounds like a weird bug. Has anyone tried switching "auto play" to off in preferences.

This message was authored by Groot+I+am This message was authored by: Groot+I+am

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Mine has been doing too at the same point 15 minutes before the end. 

But now it's getting worse as it's started to automatically play the next episode 15 minutes before the previous one has finished.

I've turned auto play next episode off to see if it fixes it.

I am Groot
This message was authored by RPB This message was authored by: RPB

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Same here. This only started recently for me. Most annoying that I have to press the back button on my remote. lol 

SkyQ 2Tb on WIFI.
Sky mini in master bedroom on WIFI.
Virgin Media 200Mb cable internet
Sky customer since the original analogue days of my 80cm dish and Pace box!
This message was authored by Samcogs This message was authored by: Samcogs

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

I am getting exactly the same issue. Its sooo annoying 😤 

This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F Answer

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi all,


Thanks for sharing your experience about this issue on Sky Community 🙂


We are aware of an issue affecting some on demand content and work is being done to resolve this.  When we have more details to share on this I'll update the thread.


I'm marking this as the best answer (for now) so that it's brought to the top of the thread for other users.



Community Moderator
This message was authored by Ember1 This message was authored by: Ember1

Re: When I am watching my recordings and im about 3/4 the way through ive started getting notificati

Has anyone found how to resolve this annoyance yet? 

This message was authored by Dee521 This message was authored by: Dee521

Re: Continue watch prompt appears too early

Mine just stopped doing it see if the box need updating that may solve it, odd times now I have an issue where if I'm recording something it doesn't record to the end of the program. Q boxes are rubbish mine as start to freeze and glitches on certain programs. Got an engineer out tomorrow hopefully they can solve all issues 🤞🏼

This message was authored by Stix+1971 This message was authored by: Stix+1971

Re: Continue watch prompt appears too early

Mines doing this now! Watching Daryl Dixon, 1st episode was fine, now every other episode is doing it. Surely there should of been a fix by now!! 

Ian roberts
This message was authored by Ember1 This message was authored by: Ember1

Re: Continue watch prompt appears too early

I was so excited thinking this would be a solve, guess not, has anyone found a way to stop it yet?

This message was authored by StefxXx This message was authored by: StefxXx

Re: Continue watch prompt appears too early

I an also getting this on my Sky Q box, its so annoying and makes 'play next episode useless 


Can we please have a fix


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