Discussion topic: Contact email for senior in customer services

This message was authored by Mark1331 This message was authored by: Mark1331

Contact email for senior in customer services

I'm looking for an email address for a senior member of the customer services dept.

I've had Sky tv for thirty plus years, due to Sky +hd become unsupported we/I decided to upgrade and were given the choice of q or stream

Being reassured that both would work for our home situation

we selected q with the assurance that we could switch to stream if needed

q arrived and did not work for us ( we needed to be able to have four screens working) as we did with Sky+hd.

we went back to the shop and guess what we can't move to stream unless we stump up significant amount of money every month.

No matter who you call you end up with a rep from the q team who can not help in any way

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Contact email for senior in customer services

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

This explains how to raise a complaint. I would suggest putting it in old-fashioned writing: https://www.sky.com/help/articles/how-to-make-a-complaint


Sky don't publish email addresses and don't generally use email as a means of contact.


Can you expand on what you mean by having 4 screens working?

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