Discussion topic: SkyGo Remove Device/User??

This message was authored by Barry+Mc+Kelvey This message was authored by: Barry+Mc+Kelvey

SkyGo Remove Device/User??



I'm unable to stop a user from accessing my SkyGo, I no longer want them to have access to it.


I've changed the password for the SkyGo Account and removed their device, that hasn't resolved the issue.


How can I stop them from accesing SkyGo from their device?


Thanks in Advance


Barry 🙂

Sky Q UHD HDR 2 TB Box (32B106)
4 x Sky Q Mini Boxes
Sky Q Hub SR203

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: SkyGo Remove Device/User??

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


After changing the password there is another step to take so go to this link:



If you tick "Sky Apps" and then the remove button, then anyone using SkyGo or SkyNews or SkySports apps etc. using your credentials will have the previous auth token removed and will be forced to sign in again (using the new password only you know). Will mean people you want to use your ID will need to do the same, but will force whoever is using your previous details off!

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