Discussion topic: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

I have been reading on the forum here ,that a few people recently have had problems with sky go,and even the person over the phone from sky said a few people have had problems with the sky go app,so if thats the case ,it must be a sky issue and not mine,even though the sky person over the phone thinks its mine.

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

Now the person from sky said on the phone to me yesterday,hes going to send me a link in my e-mail within 7 days where i can click on it to watch sky ,and it will bypass my firewall,ive been on my firewall and the sky go app has not been blocked,so that link he sends wont make no diference,so i will stick to what i said ,im leaving sky,because i cant allow this to make me unwell,because its frustrating me,i phoned sky up 4 times all together over this issue.

This message was authored by FrustratedUser1 This message was authored by: FrustratedUser1

Sky Go won't load on Windows 10

This seems to be a perennial problem on this forum. I have tried ALL the fixes proposed and am baffled about how to get it up and running again. Need to chat with a Sky expert.

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Sky Go won't load on Windows 10

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

What's happening as it is running fine on my Windows 10 PC so it must be a local issue wherever it is.

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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky Go won't load on Windows 10

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@FrustratedUser1 wrote:

This seems to be a perennial problem on this forum. I have tried ALL the fixes proposed and am baffled about how to get it up and running again. Need to chat with a Sky expert.

Firewall? Anti-virus?


Saying "you have tried all fixes" does not give anyone a clue as to what you class as ALL 😞

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by FrustratedUser1 This message was authored by: FrustratedUser1

Re: Sky Go won't load on Windows 10

I have basically trawled all the potential fixes I've come across on this forum to find a solution to this issue - so many to list and include among other things, reinstalling Sky Go after uninstalling previous installations also Sky folders in Appdata Roaming; temporarily disabling virus software; ensuring Sky Go is permitted through the firewall; running the software as administrator under preferences.


The latest iteration of software reinstallation produced the error message PFE-9303

This message was authored by FrustratedUser1 This message was authored by: FrustratedUser1

Re: Sky Go won't load on Windows 10

Finally managed to load Sky Go. 😊


Signed into my sky account on the PC, chose something to watch from Sky TV, button came up to Watch Now and then the option to download the Sky Go App which I proceeded to do. Installed Sky Go with no error messages and issues this time. 👏


Still baffling, but wonder whether it was something to do with the registering of the device. 



This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

Ihavnt got the vlc media player,ive also checked to see if sky go was blocked by my firewall its not,ive run out of things to try,you can understand why some people would rather watch these other sites and not pay a penny,when youve got  a company like sky who dont care less about there customers

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@sweetheart4321 wrote:

Ihavnt got the vlc media player,ive also checked to see if sky go was blocked by my firewall its not,ive run out of things to try,you can understand why some people would rather watch these other sites and not pay a penny,when youve got  a company like sky who dont care less about there customers

You have a tiny fraction of customers who are having issues does not equate to Sky not caring, sometimes finding problems in IT stuff is not that straight forward when there are many factors involved also there is usually many software/hardware suppliers involved in providing solutions so your hands are tied lots of the time waiting on resposes from 3rd parties


Being in IT for many years, I know unless you have full control of everything, which is usually never the case, bug detection gets rather tricky and time consuming 😞

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

How am i supose to solve it then,im sure i could take it to a computer shop and they could do it,but then its costing me more money to get sky go

This message was authored by finglonger This message was authored by: finglonger

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

this issue happens to me every single time skygo updates.. B\C it provides 0 feedback that its updating.. and skygo likes to hang\freeze on launch which requires relaunching for it to work properly.. and if its updating then it will break

this is the only way i got this working last time.. after hours trying the other previous fixes:-


uninstall sky go using geek uninstaller - other nonMS uninstallers should work but this one is free - this will clean crap left behind that often gets missed by windows uninstaller

clear C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp

C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\roaming\ delete Sky Go and Sky - if they still remain
empty the folder C:\Users\%userprofile%\\LocalLow\Synamedia\VideoGuard


now reboot before attempting to reinstall

reinstall skygo and now the fun beginns... fun i mean it took me several attempts for it to install then download updates. Im a little foggy on the last step but, if you run into this "feature"


check C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp, you should see a skygo install file, not sure the name now but iirc contains skygo, the complete file size should be arround 113mb.. however mine was failing to download more than 108


you will also find one of the skygo or sky folders getting created, again not sure which folder  but in the one created during install only a few files\folders will be installed.. if you have this folder open during insall you should see files populate.. you may need to press F5 to refresh


if it fails, close skygo and delete the created folder and the files from temp and try again

if you have "metered network" enabled it may also be worth disabling whilst installing skygo if it still fails during install

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

I cant really follow all that properley,when i phoned sky saturday this sky bloke said he thinks its my firewall stopping it getting through,but ive checked it its not stopping it,he also said he will send me a special link that will take seven days through my e-mail that will take me to sky go,but i still dont think it will work then,he also sky will compensate me for the past 4 weeks by taking a bit of my sky bill,and will continue to do that until i get sky go working again,because having been with them for around 25 years now,they dont want to really lose me over it,but im not happy.

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

I have put the troubleshooter on ,it says its incompatible to my windows 10,see trouble is it says its for windows 8

This message was authored by finglonger This message was authored by: finglonger

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

that sounds about right from what i remember with win10.. its always said that, if youve got an old installer youll likely find it shows the same


i assumed Sky support would have tried this but i encountered an issue previously where sky go was failing to play any content and was crashing\failing to logon even after reinstall. 


if skygo has reinstalled and is prompting you to logon but fails try deregistering your device


close and resart skygo if its still open



This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@sweetheart4321  The community has posted steps for you to take if your unwilling to follow them or get someone to help then your issue is likely never going to be resolved, you really do need to help yourself with this it won't magically fix itself and Sky can't do anything remotely to your PC.

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