Discussion topic: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

This message was authored by leoswarrios This message was authored by: leoswarrios

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

Ya welcome, Hope Sky sort this out soon.

This message was authored by finglonger This message was authored by: finglonger

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

yet another update and sky go has gone TU AGAIN.. skygo launches then crashes repeatedly on both machines -another 4 hours wasted getting this c***p working


following advice in other post re data and time format i changed long date as suggested to no affect. 

looking in temp as usual i found sky go is trying to download an udpate for skygo_production_24_2_2_gb_Production.exe dispite the installer being for 24_2_3

taking the date advice further i changed windows sytem, region and date formats to US standard and viola, it started downloading SkyGo_production_25.1.2_gb_production but it stalls downloading at different file sizes but never completes


as BIGA suggested "region date needs to be set to  Long Date change it to Day, 00 Month Year (or dddd, dd MMMM yyyy)" - you also need to set short date to 06/02/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy)

regional settings also need to be set to United kingdom, both region and regional format


second machine was a different matter, only way that worked was copy the install from working machine then re-run the installer for production_24_2_3


dunno what the problem was but apparently there is no update both machines appear to be running version 24_2_3 not 25

This message was authored by maxtkb This message was authored by: maxtkb

Re: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

How the hell is this still an issue, it's been nearly a full year since I was last able to actually use Sky Go on my computer, every time I attempt to load it, it just immediately crashes after a few seconds. No update fixes it, exhausted every "solution" with no resolution and it's just radio silence from Sky on the issue.


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