Discussion topic: Sky Go not working on new M2 Mac

This message was authored by OwainGlyndwr This message was authored by: OwainGlyndwr

Sky Go not working on new M2 Mac

I recently purchased a new M2 MAC and I can't seem to get Sky Go working. It tries to load but stops, giving error (001) unable to connect. The first time I tried this the MAC prompted me to install Rosetta which I accepted. I've tried uninstalling-reinstalling-rebooting but it still doesn't work. Can someone help me get Sky Go working again please? My intel MAC ran Sky Go without major issues.

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This message was authored by OwainGlyndwr This message was authored by: OwainGlyndwr Answer

Re: Sky Go not working on new M2 Mac

I managed to eventually get it working on M2 Mac by following these steps.


1. Delete Sky Go app from applications folder AND trash.

2. Open Finder then Go from top menu bar

3. Copy and paste one of these libraries and carefully seach for any Sky Go files or folders and delete them (then delete trash) :



~/Library/Application Support





~/Library/Group Containers


4. Then repeat with the next library and so on until all are searched.

5. Delete Trash.

6. Reinstall Sky Go for Mac from sky.com

7. Launch app

8. Sign in

9. Bingo!


Good luck!!



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