Discussion topic: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.


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This message was authored by amanneedsnoname This message was authored by: amanneedsnoname

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Thanks for providing an official response @Chloe-W22 - although I was disappointed to realise that what I was led to believe would be  solution is in fact just a request for more info.


I can confirm I've followed these exact steps a few times now and still have the same the exact same issues, ie. the (apparently successfully installed) updated version just bounces a single time in the dock, then disappears. Subsequently checking Activity Monitor shows it's no longer running. There's no dialog or crash report that pops up as with most other app crashes on a Mac, just a single bounce and it quits itself silently.


I can't confirm whether changing SIP status makes Sky Go work again - although it does seem both strange and frustrating to silently introduce this additional barrier to using something which has worked without it for some years.


Prior to updating, maybe around a month or so ago I remember getting a popup upon opening the app one time, informing me of the impending end-of-support for Sierra & High Sierra users (as mentioned in one of the stickies on this forum's front page). It struck me as weird that this deprecation was being flagged on my system as I use a later version (ie. Ventura). Was this meant to have been shown to all users regardless of whether we were due to be affected or not?


I wouldn't have bothered mentioning it otherwise, but it struck me that if the app is incapable of targeting specifically affected versions when displaying that message, is it not equally possible that the app has been deprecated for more MacOS versions than was intended?

This message was authored by Orlandobecky This message was authored by: Orlandobecky

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

All good information byr do sky monitor these posts and are they doing anything about the issue, I have contacted them but still no reply



This message was authored by JG23 This message was authored by: JG23

Sky Go not installing on Macbook Air M3, running Sonoma 14.5

Hi there


I am trying to install Sky Go on my new Macbook Air for the first time. I just purchased a MacBook Air M3, running Mac Sonoma 14.5. I have downloaded the installer (zipped package) from the Sky website and ran the installer for what feels like 20 times now. When I open the installer, it starts 'downloading Sky Go' but randomly quits before finishing the download/install. 


I have seen similar posts about people who have the Sky Go app which has stopped working. This does not apply to me as I am trying to download it for the first time. So existing solutions regarding deleting Sky Go, clearing the cache and deleting hidden files/folders probably won't work for me. 


I would appreciate any help on this issue. Maybe I'm not the only one? 





This message was authored by Jim1998 This message was authored by: Jim1998

Re: Sky Go not installing on Macbook Air M3, running Sonoma 14.5

I'm also having the same issue - this doesn't appear to have been addressed yet

This message was authored by Alastair_M This message was authored by: Alastair_M

Re: Sky Go not installing on Macbook Air M3, running Sonoma 14.5

I am having the same issue.


Using a MacBook Pro M2 16", just tried to install the Sky Go app. Exactly the same experience as @JG23 -- the downloader downloads instantly, it runs and the progress indicator appears saying the application is downloading. Progress gets to all the way to the end (i.e. complete) but then nothing happens, there is no install, no other files appear to have been downloaded and, of course, the application is not available.


I can re-run the downloaded installer as often as I like but the same outcome.


It does not appear to have got very far. There were no folders or files in /library and of course nothing in /applications.


Surely Sky are aware and doing something about this by now? 

This message was authored by Alastair_M This message was authored by: Alastair_M

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

@Chloe-W22 here below the steps you suggested (which also appear in many other places) -- they do not work for me, or for most people.


Here are my specific steps:

1. Downloaded the installer and ran it. The installer appeared to be running correctly and downloading the app. However when the installer "completed" (progress indicator all the way across) it simply stopped normally, but no app was installed.

2. I repeated the above several times with the same result.

3. I then followed the procedure below, copied from your thread, with the results shown below in CAPS.


Uninstall the app 

Launch the Finder, go to the Downloads folder and delete ‘SkyGoInstaller.’ 


In Finder, go to the Applications folder and delete Sky Go app 


Remove Sky Go files 

In the Finder select Go to folder ... from the Go menu (or press c). 

A dialog box should appear. Now copy and paste the following text into the box and press the return key: ~/Library/Application Support/ 

Select the Sky Go folder and delete it 

THERE WAS NO SKY GO FOLDER IN ~/Library/Application Support/ TO DELETE

Empty Recycling Bin 


Reboot the Mac


Download and reinstall Sky Go




This looks like a fundamental incompatibility issue with the installer, either with Mac silicon, or with the latest Mac OSX (I am using Sonoma 14.5).


Please fix it!




This message was authored by Johnny1234567 This message was authored by: Johnny1234567

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Hi @This message was authored by:Alastair_M,

I feel your frustration.  if it helps (and it probably won't) I found the app in the users folder.  always there after every install, never in the aplications folder!  But no matter how many times I uninstalled / wiped etc it wouldn't work.  Until i tried @david21g 's suggestion of enabling SIP and now it works pefectly (running Sonoma 14.5).

I've spent quite a few hours on this over the past few weeks and enabling SIP has caused me no hasstle as I only use 1 program that needs it disabled and that is very infrequently.  But I can't help feeling I shouldn't have to do this!

This message was authored by TraceyRG This message was authored by: TraceyRG

Sky won't install on MacBook M3



I'm trying to download Sky Go on to my MacBook book M3 however it is failing to load the app. I can see the installer which  runs but it doesnt give me the option to drop it into my applications folder... it just stays in my downloads.


I'm running on macOS 14.5.


Many thanks 

This message was authored by Alastair_M This message was authored by: Alastair_M

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Thanks @Johnny1234567 


App wasn't in /users for me (or any derivatives thereof) and I don't fancy messing around with the SIP settings. Hopefully Sky will start noticing that Mac usage has dropped off, go looking for the explanation, and fix it!


This message was authored by Sean_69 This message was authored by: Sean_69

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

I have the same issue... the latest Sky Go update does not start... the icon just jumps up and down a few times and then stops.


I found and older version of the Sky Go App at:




I downloaded and installed this package and it started normally... only problem it immeadiatly wants to do the update.


So, it is not my computer it is definately the Sky Go App update.

This message was authored by rgiorgiotech This message was authored by: rgiorgiotech

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

@cescalby Ciao, sono riuscito a recuperare il link di una versione vecchia di Sky Go (per chi la volesse: Windows - Mac) ma non capisco come evitare che l'app controlli gli aggiornamenti. Mi sapresti spiegare meglio?

Grazie mille.

This message was authored by rgiorgiotech This message was authored by: rgiorgiotech

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.


Exactly, I've found a previous version too but of course it wants to update. I'm searching for a method to block the update step. I'll update you if I'll find it.

This message was authored by cescalby This message was authored by: cescalby

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Disattiva internet e poi Fai partire app vecchia ( precedente al'aggiornamento) e attendi  il comunicato di skygo che non sei connesso  ad internet e solo a quel punto accedi ad internet e skygo ti fara vedere i canali e sync  a sky-q, spero tu abbia capito , ricordati che devi anche aver portato le cartelle nascoste in libreria , oppure come gia detto tornare con time machirne s pre 20/5/2024   Oppure ultima soluzione scaricare UTM (versione free di parallel) ed installare win10 o win11 e virtualizzarlo , testato funziona perfettamente cosi posso avere osx e skygo attraverso win virtualizzato , poi quando sistemeranno sky-go ............ 

This message was authored by MattHammond This message was authored by: MattHammond

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

I can confirm that on. none Apple silcon macs this issue also exists.

Using the above old installer, I was caught in an endless installation loop, however after the download had completed I turned my network off before click install and restart and the application loaded as indeed.


Sky please fix your latest compiled Mac version.

This message was authored by rgiorgiotech This message was authored by: rgiorgiotech

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.


Yes, on Intel Macs too, not only Apple Silicon.

The "installation loop" is the attempt to update the app after the first installation. With this previous version everything would work perfectly if it weren't for trying to update.


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