Discussion topic: Sky Go Wont Start up on Windows 11 PC

This message was authored by asamson1 This message was authored by: asamson1

Sky Go Wont Start up on Windows 11 PC

I have been having trouble starting Sky go on my windows 11 PC for a while. It worked when I 1st installed it a few months ago, but now it just starts up , checks for updates then closes before it gets to the main menu. 


I have tried a few things people have suggested like clearing chrome browser cache, removing various folders like citrix but its still not working. Anyone got a step by step guide on how to check / resolve this?

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This message was authored by asamson1 This message was authored by: asamson1 Answer

Re: Sky Go Wont Start up on Windows 11 PC

@Mickey-Padge I was contacted by a member of the Sky team who walked me through it. My computer had citrix workspace installed on it for work. After removing sky go and citrix workspace and reboot and reinstall of Sky go then worked perfectly. Apparently you cant have both on your machine.

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