Discussion topic: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This message was authored by Andyccpc1 This message was authored by: Andyccpc1

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Over the Xmas break i had a few minutes where we had a complete blank screen but now i think I've started to notice an improvement - fingers crossed that it's been resolved!

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Yes fingers crossed eh they aren't too quick to solve problems but hope your problems has been sorted

This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

No lip sync not resolved continues to happen on live TV!! I read an article last week that something bigger and better is coming to sky glass in Feb'25 yet we can't get lip sync sorted!! 

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

That's interesting but they can't sort out the problems now 

This message was authored by anothermystery This message was authored by: anothermystery

Lip sync

How can this be sorted out, getting annoying now, it's happening far too many times in the day, and I have turned TV off at mains and on after 5-6 mins. Any help appreciated
This message was authored by Mrsjulie This message was authored by: Mrsjulie

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I too have been having the same issues - I have contacted Sky twice in the last 3 days as it has now gone far beyond a joke.

 I was told the tech team are aware of the problem and are looking into it. This has been going on for the past 6 weeks and if anything getting worse than when it first started. I also have the same problem on some of the apps.

This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Yes I also had a call from customer priority team 22nd December I was assured I would have a resolution in 2 weeks as it was being sorted and a text or email to confirm it's been resolved 1 week to go!!!! 

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Lip sync

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @anothermystery When you notice the lip sync problem have you tried just flipping to another channel and back again?  I find this usually gets it back in sync. Another quick fix which works for me is to rewind for a couple of seconds and then pressing the remote back button to get back to live TV.  These are not permanent solution but will often get the picture and sound back in sync again (until the next time).

If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
If it has helped please give it a "Like"
Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Lip sync

Yes Fothergil1 ok for quick resolves we want a permanent resolve patchwork is still annoying

This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Permanent fix please!!!! I'm doing all the other work around 3/4 times a day not acceptable! 

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

We have to get to the top tier of sky fixers this i service is  not good enough or ACCEPTABLE 

This message was authored by AndyCairns This message was authored by: AndyCairns

Re: Lip sync

That is not a "fix".


as you will have read throughout this thread.  

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Lip sync

I've been informed that my internet is too slow as they can read what your glass tv needs and what your system is getting

for me My Bt broadband is supplying 42 bps

not enough for sky glass and other devices that is using the internet 

My bt broadband is still on copper and other  neighbours that have changed over to the new broadband supplier Trooli is offering me 900 bps and I can't get connected until May/June 25

BT will release me from my contract as they can't install full fibre until late 25 early 26

and understand my frustration therefore will cancel my contract without any charges

so this maybe worth investigating your internet speeds you get from your supplier 

as you require minimum 60 bps 


This message was authored by TamBren This message was authored by: TamBren

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

When I complained I was told I had too many devices connected to internet and Sky Glass needs 35mbps alone!! Bullsh**t. Why do you not get told of this when you buy?? UHD waiting for program to load tonight and also a HD channel. Was told that these use extra mbps.... well yes but I am on highest level of broadband so why still having issues?? I also mentioned this forum to them saying not just us having issues and was told not everyone's issues are the same cause!! Ummm Again bulls**t. We Asked to be released from SKY as not in tv contract now but told will still need to pay for glass TV!!! So basically stuck with a rubbish service paying way too much money. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Yes it seems the system is not fit for purpose unless you have avery high internet


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