Discussion topic: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This message was authored by TamBren This message was authored by: TamBren

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Todays issue...Sky sports UHD froze!! HD out of sync shocker! 

Shall I add this daily? Video it and send to Sky? What to we need to do?

This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

How do we inform the media attending the "bigger, brighter, better" sky event happening in February??

this is really beyond belief!! 

This message was authored by LaineyB This message was authored by: LaineyB

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

We have had this sound synch problem for several weeks now and it appears to be getting worse - the sound can be as much as a couple of seconds ahead of the picture. This is particularly problematic for my husband who is hard-of-hearing as he finds it difficult to follow dialogue when the speach is out of synch with the actor's lips.

Rebooting the Stream device does appear to rectify it but only for a day or two.

Having read some of the other posts, we shall try changing the sound settings, if we can.

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Yes they are dragging their heels with this problem yet boasting about something new

coming soon?????? 

This message was authored by TamBren This message was authored by: TamBren

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I have an ongoing complaint with them and have just been told lip sync is100% a  known issue they are looking into. I am keeping my fingers crossed it will be resolved. 
I do not want to be paying for sky sports, TNT and UHD for much longer when they are not working as they should. 
he basically confirmed what I was told last time about the amount I have connected being the issue was a lie as TV is hardwired and speed and connectivity is good

This message was authored by Patsie This message was authored by: Patsie

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Now would Sky lie to you???

This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Come on sky get this **** sorted out!!!! 

This message was authored by Paul+Stovell This message was authored by: Paul+Stovell

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Don't be a ****! We have paid an inordinate amount of money for a service, that since it was sold (yes I had this at day one) has been riddled with issues. If it wasn't the freezing, losing internet connection, wait for programme to load, repeating last 5 seconds on loop and now this, I would be happy and could understand your errant response, but what you say would be like saying 'come on guys, give the Tories another 14 years, they are working on getting it right'. Don't be a idiot. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Any excuse they give us is just passing the buck

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Any excuse they are just passing the buck

This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I'm the idiot????

This message was authored by jockburnett1902 This message was authored by: jockburnett1902

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Still happening, on FTTP, not good enough 

This message was authored by Bigsteve This message was authored by: Bigsteve

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I was told it was because i had a playstation in the room even though it wasnt plugged in what a joke when watching football the ball hits the net & the crowed cheer 2-3 seconds later

This message was authored by BillyFishfinger This message was authored by: BillyFishfinger

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Going back to the beginning of this thread, this issue was raised - and seemingly acknowledged by Sky - in August 2024. It’s now mid-January 2025. How much longer does this have to happen before you fix it, Sky? How about an update for people who, like me, have to change the channel every five minutes or so to fix this issue and who are within a whisker of leaving? How do you expect anyone to “believe in better” when both your flagship product your customer service are this poor?


Oh. Before you ask, I have filled in the survey. Fat lot of good that did.

This message was authored by roboftheblues This message was authored by: roboftheblues

Sky Stream - Intermittent sound loss


I have Sky Stream.  After a period of time on a single channel the picture freezes and the sound is lost for a second or two.  This continues until the channel is changed.

Also, on switch on some channels have an audio/video sync issue, again fixed by changing channels.

Any ideas on both issues?

I've done the usual resets and the system software is up to date


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