Discussion topic: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This message was authored by Donnag3 This message was authored by: Donnag3

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This is becoming unbearable now happening with great regularity.come on sky get it fixed.

This message was authored by Zoltron This message was authored by: Zoltron

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

So my complaint to the chief executive, after speaking to the priority team today it went like this;


Yes we know it's a problem.

Our engineers are working around the clock.

If you want to leave we can end your contract if you so wish.


So they honestly don't care, I asked them about their "believe in better" slogan, and got no response. Told them folk are paying over £100 a month for this.


Just a complete dead pan attitude, honestly thought I was having a conversation with Jack Dee.


Absolutely disgusting attitude from the priority team.




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