Discussion topic: Why carnt I click Netflix to come on my sky glass

This message was authored by AndreaJ2 This message was authored by: AndreaJ2

Why carnt I click Netflix to come on my sky glass

When I go to get Netflix on it's not working why I use all time would like to watch a film tonight 

thanks Andrea


All Replies

This message was authored by Deedee36 This message was authored by: Deedee36

Re: Why carnt I click Netflix to come on my sky glass

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AndreaJ2  Have you tried a reboot 

“Trying to help improve sky glass”
This message was authored by Hobbayne64 This message was authored by: Hobbayne64

Re: Why carnt I click Netflix to come on my sky glass

That happened to me a couple of times at first. I thought Netflix was down, but I've. found I could watch iton my ipad, etc.  I found out that if you turn the sky glass off and unplug it from the mains and leave it for a couple of minutes, plug it back in again It should work..

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Why carnt I click Netflix to come on my sky glass

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Alternatively you can reboot via the settings rather than having to acccess the plug socket.


1. Go to Settings
2. Go to System Management
3. Press Select
4. Go to Resets and Updates
5. Press Select
6. Go to Restart Device
7. Press Select.

Note this will take a few minutes to reboot, so expect to see a blank screen for 2 minutes until the Sky logo appears as its starting up.


One way to avoid having to do the reboots is to ensure you are exiting the apps when you have finished watching them. Don't just press the home button to "exit" the app, press the back button u til the app closes or it brings up the apps menu where you will find an "exit" button. Note the way of exiting each app is different depending on the app.

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