Discussion topic: Sky Glass freezing and resetting

This message was authored by Chris732 This message was authored by: Chris732

Sky Glass freezing and resetting

2 days ago we received a replacement Sky Glass TV as we had issues with the previous sets sound.

This TV does not work! We can watch live to for about 15 minutes before the picture freezes and the set resets. It's the same using catch up services.

Weirdly Netflix works a treat 

I have tried hooking it up via ethernet  but this hasn't fixed the issue. We have full fibre internet and all streaming services work perfectly apart from Sky... and only since we got the replacement TV.


Have I missed something in set up? Enhanced sky is switched off as is the motion sensor.






All Replies

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Sky Glass freezing and resetting

Have you reported the issue with the replacement Glass TV ... you may need another replacement😟

This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: Sky Glass freezing and resetting

Is you tv connected  to the WiFi, and what speed do you get to the tv, you can check  the speed the tv is getting  in the Netflix  help section, min speed 25mps for hd tv 35mps for uhd  also the tv works better  if it is connected  to the router  by an ethernet cable , and the more devices  connected  to the Internet   the weaker  the signal  is  to each one

Topic Author
This message was authored by Chris732 This message was authored by: Chris732

Re: Sky Glass freezing and resetting

It seems that way, I'm just hoping there isn't something obvious I've missed.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Chris732 This message was authored by: Chris732

Re: Sky Glass freezing and resetting

I've tried connecting it via ethernet cable and still no luck.  Our broadband downloads at 130 Mbps and other than our phones, there isn't much demand on wifi. I can't see that being the problem either.


As I say, the old sky glass worked fine apart from the issue with the speakers.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Chris732 This message was authored by: Chris732

Re: Sky Glass freezing and resetting

To anyone reading this and having the same issue. 


I think we got a duff set. We tried all the tricks in the book to make it work, but it kept switching itself on and off.


Sky have replaced the set and it works perfectly. 


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