Discussion topic: All4/Channel 4 app not loading


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This message was authored by Jmoulding This message was authored by: Jmoulding

Re: Channel 4 app logo spinning and not loading

My mother in law is also having this issue, have tried power off and on and an app refresh to no avail 

This message was authored by JC151 This message was authored by: JC151

Re: Cannot connect to Channel 4 app

I'm having the same issue since the system outage a few days' ago

This message was authored by JC151 This message was authored by: JC151

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

I'm having the same issue since the recent system outage

Topic Author
This message was authored by IanMcK This message was authored by: IanMcK

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

@JC151  that's not good. We haven't had an issue since following the steps I followed in my earlier comment.


 Note that the commenter above says this should really be done with the guidance of Sky though (although we were fine ourselves).

This message was authored by ammobluebird This message was authored by: ammobluebird

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Myself I have had issues with all4 app on sky glass from day one over 1 year ago.


1st problems I had was on a lot of occasions if rewinding program I would get a message "well this is embarrassing seems to be a problem please try againg" and I would have to resume the program and start again. 

But in last 4 weeks any program I watch constantly freezes and have to wait for it to catch up or start again.

Steps I have taken is as follows 

Factory reset all devices,reset router,changed chanel on router,refreshed all apps,  I have a very steady string and fast Internet speed that's not an issue I don't have any issue with and other apps on sky glass or channels. I have contacted sky and they have said there is nothing they can do as its a 3rd party app





Topic Author
This message was authored by IanMcK This message was authored by: IanMcK

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

@ammobluebird That's not good at all. We have only had the issue described within this post; but that was resolved. Prior to that and afterwards; it's been fine. Not great if Sky aren't able to help you though. You'd have thought if you can prove to them that others can access the app via Sky Glass; it can't be an issue with the app as surely all users would be experiencing this?! Keep on at them as I can confirm it's fine in my Sky Glass tv now.

This message was authored by ammobluebird This message was authored by: ammobluebird

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Thank you for your feedback, sky were useless to be honest, they won't take any responsibility as its a 3rd part app and said as its a free app they wouldn't and couldn't help.

They have said to contact all4 themselves but I can't see how that would help as there is no settings in the app on sky glass to change that can only be done with sky updates

Topic Author
This message was authored by IanMcK This message was authored by: IanMcK

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

@ammobluebird Yeah I had the same experience with them tbh. The All4 app team were responsive when I contacted them but the steps they asked me to do (turn the tv and internet box off at the wall for 30 seconds, ensure the firmware for the tv is up to date and that the app is the latest version) didn't help. You can try contacting them via their website (this thread won't allow me to post the weblink, but just search "all4  contact us page" in Google). They did also say if those steps didn't help, to provide some details about the tv model number, firmware version, All4 app version and details of any error messages seen. I sourced details of how to do a complete reset; which after doing so, the problem was solved; so didn't take things further with All4.  The steps to reset were easy to follow; although as it was a complete system reset, Sky did say in this comment trail that it should really be done with their guidance. I was happy enough doing so myself tbh, but it did involve signing in to most things again...etc.

This message was authored by ammobluebird This message was authored by: ammobluebird

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

Yes I have done all you have mentioned myself,

Restart router also reset router to factory settings

Change broadcasting chanel on router to a less popular chanel

Reset glass TV to factory settings and pucks

Refreshed apps

I have a very steady wifi connection and also glass TV is direct into router and still exact same issue with all4 app even though all other apps and channels I don't have an issue with. Another issue that has just started to happen since my 1st post is program I'm watching will jump back a few minute by itself


Topic Author
This message was authored by IanMcK This message was authored by: IanMcK

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading


That's not good then. Seems like an issue that Sky needs to investigate for you tbh. Keep on at them as it seems like an issue with your Sky Glass. Fortunately I've only had this one issue; other then that, since getting it when it first came out we've had no issues. You're paying for the product and the service; so they have to help you find the cause(s). Good luck!!

This message was authored by DanAnd71 This message was authored by: DanAnd71

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

We have exactly the same problem... every now and again the spinning logo with random jumps backwards. Sometimes back a few minutes, othertimes to the beginning. Other times it just crashes altogether and takes you out of the player altogether. I've done a number of resets, especially after the failed firmware upgrade. 


Whether it's skys problem or Channel 4 it really needs sorting out.


This message was authored by ammobluebird This message was authored by: ammobluebird

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

I little update I tried last night was as I have sky glass with pucks you can use a phone and hot-spot that way and I watch 3 hours without any problems 

Topic Author
This message was authored by IanMcK This message was authored by: IanMcK

Re: All4/Channel 4 app not loading

@DanAnd71 It's very frustrating I know. Fortunately the complete reset solved the issues I was experiencing. Before doing so, I did contact Channel 4 via their webpage and they did get back to me with some basic steps to follow (with a note if they didn't work to provide them information on various bits and they'd look into it further). The reset however, meant that I didn't need additional help; so I just let them know what I had done. You can maybe try contacting them via https://www.channel4.com/4viewers/contact-us


This message was authored by Jones999 This message was authored by: Jones999

Re: Channel 4 app logo spinning and not loading

I have also had this problem for 2 days, have refreshed apps and reset as advised but 4 app still not loading.  

The virtual online assistant cannot help.....



This message was authored by jskyd This message was authored by: jskyd

Re: Channel 4 app logo spinning and not loading

Same problem sky say channel 4 problem , channel 4 says delete & reinstall cannot do this on sky stream

 so can sky delete & reinstall remotelr ?  been like this for 3 weeks 

 come on sky engineers sort it


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