16 Jan 2025 05:22 PM
@Mark39 wrote:
@jayach wrote:We have asked, and the advice we have been given is " Any of those accounts that have been signed into in the last six months won't be closed"
Believe me, I'm as perplexed as you.
Yes, I must say I feel somewhat uncomfortable with that response from Sky.
Probably too late in the day now but if Sky had thought to include in their emails warning of a potential problem what the correct login link was, it would have been so much easier.
As it is we all of us are now waiting for January 25th to arrive to see if we still have access.
To make it worse, I've just been advised of what is a HUGE price increase (from April) for Sky television and for the Sky broadband service.
Hey nonny no ...
17 Jan 2025 09:45 AM
Another one in the same boat here. Received the 'closure notice' in Dec despite daily use of my '@sky.com' email address (accessed via the Sky ID address on a PC daily). During a call on another matter with Sky I asked about this email and they said as long as you have logged on you should be fine; also they couldn't elaborate on why on earth the message had come out at all (which itself was also very unhelpful in its format, no specific info and no contact info for queries).
I had a distant niggle that there was an original Sky user name supplied to me that was a mi-spelling of my name such that I had immediately created another email address for my regular usage, and on checking back, yes I did have another Sky account in the original format, so I logged into that as well just in case that was the one being referred to in the 'closure notice' email. Also sent a few test emails between the two just to make sure of 'active usage' (and not just logging in).
Lo and behold I got another 'closure notice' email recently, to the same address as the first, the one I use daily..... reading this thread has been really helpful to know I'm not the only one! But incredibly frustrating that there doesn't seem to be any source of solid support or assistance about it. Had my Sky email well over a decade, many, many very important items at risk, so another set of fingers crossed here then as 24th Jan approaches.
26 Jan 2025 07:56 AM
After a lot of panic, and a considerable amount of support and help in this forum especially from @jayach and others such as @Mark39, it does look as though access to Sky email is continuing beyond the threatened date.
Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Thank you all for your help: you advice was on the nail.
26 Jan 2025 09:19 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Bob+P wrote:
...it does look as though access to Sky email is continuing beyond the threatened date.
Fingers crossed it stays that way!
That's reassuring to know. Fingers crossed indeed!
29 Jan 2025 03:36 PM
I have always used my browser to access my emails. but today, it kicked me out. I have tried to log into my emails via sky.com, but I keep receiving the message "You can no longer create a new Yahoo Mail account via Sky". But I already have an account and now cannot access it.
I am still logged on via my outlook app on my phone though, but am scared they are just going to stop working at any moment.
I have used this email address for over 20years. I have no idea what I will do if I can no longer access it. Can someone please advise and help?
29 Jan 2025 04:18 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreIf you can't log in via this link https://skyid.sky.com/signin/email try using a different browser.
29 Jan 2025 04:27 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreWhen did you last login to it at Sky.com ?
29 Jan 2025 04:51 PM
I have a tab at the top of my pc browser that I use to access my emails. Can't remember the last time I actually logged in via the sky website. But the tab has been saved from the website as a shortcut. And I am on it everyday
29 Jan 2025 05:01 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@BartlettAM tried the link in @jayach's post?
If ypu can still send / receive emails via Outlook, it's unlikely that anything dire has happened.
29 Jan 2025 05:13 PM
@BartlettAM wrote:I have a tab at the top of my pc browser that I use to access my emails. Can't remember the last time I actually logged in via the sky website. But the tab has been saved from the website as a shortcut. And I am on it everyday
First of all, did you receive a couple of emails from Sky saying that unless you logged on to your Sky email account by 25th January you would lose all access along with all the emails there are stored in it? It was sent, as I remember, in December and then again in early January?
Like you and lots of others I have used my Sky email account for many years and there's a lot of quite important stuff held in there so I was more than worried.
In recent years I'd taken to using a more "direct" route to my inbox by logging on through Yahoo, simply to save time and it seems that's what caused Sky to think that I wasn't using my email. And yeah, I can't figure why that should be but there you go, that's how it seems to have panned out.
I was advised by guys in this group to sign in at this link:
which I did and have done since. Come 25th January my email was still available and remains active so I'm saying that was the solution. I'm using that link 100% of the time on my Windows 11 PCs but have deleted all references to Sky email on my Samsung pad. You might want to try that link now. You never know, you might strike lucky.
Best I can offer but there are others, much more knowledgeable in the ways of the Great Sky who might be able to offer better advice.
29 Jan 2025 05:15 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@BartlettAM wrote:
Can't remember the last time I actually logged in via the sky website. But the tab has been saved from the website as a shortcut. And I am on it everyday
The tab is linking you into the Sky website so your email account should not have been closed.
Do you acess your emails any other way like using an app on a mobile ?
29 Jan 2025 05:29 PM
Hi, yes I tried that, the same message appears
It doesn't make any sense, and as much as I would love to think it's not dire, I think it might actually be. I don't recall receiving email warnings, but I do receive so many emails telling me my accounts have been blocked or cancelled unless I click on links, I just presume they are all scams... so may have just ignored it. The fact that I am still logged in via my OUTLOOK app on my phone, is probably the saving grace, this will give me the chance to retrieve important docs.
Also, even though the tab I have been using was a shortcut to the Mail page of the website, I don't think that mattered, as I now cannot log in via the website, so looks like I missed the deadline of 25th Jan and have lost access. I honestly, don't know how I am going to manage to salvage over 20 years via my outlook app, I feel like it's a ticking timebomb before that freezes on me and stops working....
29 Jan 2025 05:54 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@BartlettAM as I posted previously, if you can send and receive via Outlook, your Sky Yahoo Mail a count is still active.
Try clearing your browser cache, after closing all Sky.com websites, then try again to log in via the link provided.
29 Jan 2025 06:23 PM
Thanks Mark
I have done all that and it brings me back to the same page.....
I just looked at the tab link I was using and it was bringing me to mail.yahoo.com So I actually wasn't using the sky website all this time, which I presumed I was, as I created the bookmark tab from there in the first place.
I think it's only a matter of time before it stops working on my phone, as we are now 4days beyond that "deadline" and it's only just this afternoon stopped working on my PC, so maybe tomorrow or the next day it will stop on my phone too. 😪
29 Jan 2025 07:24 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreDoes the same happen if you use this link:
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