Discussion topic: Can’t log on to Sky Mail account

This message was authored by RobAuchty This message was authored by: RobAuchty

Can’t log on to Sky Mail account

Since yesterday I've been unable to get into my Sky Yahoo mail. 
when I attempt to log in on my Sky Mail tag on my Mac it keeps taking me to a Yahoo sign in page and if I put my email address in  it says it's sending a verification code to my email - which I can't access in the first place!!!

I've got a lot of work backing up in there that I can't get to and it's getting increasingly annoying that there's no obvious reads on why it's done this. Find early yesterday afternoon then in went down. Anyone had the same problem?

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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Can’t log on to Sky Mail account

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@RobAuchty this sounds like the same issue that has been reported here a few times over the last few weeks. If so, you're going to have to call Sky to sort it out. It may be a challenge finding an adviser who knows what to do or who to escalate it to. Don't be foobrd off if they tell you to speak to Yahoo - they won't be able to help with a Sky Yahoo Mail problem.

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