Discussion topic: Poor speed to hub and dropouts

This message was authored by Glover85 This message was authored by: Glover85

Poor speed to hub and dropouts

Hi all


We have had the new sky max hub for a few weeks now but the speed to the hub is constantly all over the place. We are on ultra fast. Some days the service checker will show 148mb and then drop to 80/90mb for a day or two then it jumps back up so its never below the 100mb guarentee for three days straight. 

The second issue is the wifi drops out most days for a minute or so the recconects. This happens on multiple devices. We live over 3 floors and probably need a booster to help reach the top floor stream box. 

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This message was authored by Glover85 This message was authored by: Glover85 Answer

Re: Poor speed to hub and dropouts

An update on this. Despite being helpful and trying quite a few things Sky have been unable to fix this issue. There is no line fault. We have a new max router which made no difference. Disconnected various devices and no difference. Sky have exhausted all options over the course of a week and the speeds have still fluctuated between under the speed guarentee and just over with the occassional day where it was what we were paying for. They have basically said its either put up with it or I am free to leave. I cant help thinking the new max hub is the likely cause especially after seeing so many comments with similar issues. They did suggedt a profile reset might work but i would need to upgrade speed for this to take place and no guaretee. So If they cant fix it I will need to go elsewhere. 

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