Discussion topic: Intermittant loss of wifi

This message was authored by SamJC24 This message was authored by: SamJC24

Intermittant loss of wifi

We had sky max ultrafast fitted by open reach a few weeks ago. The wifi keeps freezing/ dropping out. It's awful. Looking through lots of posts and they mention where to position the sky hub box. The open reach man fitted the cables very low down and next to the sofa, so nowhere to move it, just sat on the floor.  How can I get this moved/ refitted?  Old hub used to be on my sideboard and was so much better than this new hub.



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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder Answer

Re: Intermittant loss of wifi

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SamJC24  You can get that, but Cat 5e would also be okay as long is the termination had all 8 cables within the core, cheaper cables normally just run 4 and you are able to see this if they are not just using stock pictures.


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