Discussion topic: Broadband Boost and Sky Stream

This message was authored by IainS2023 This message was authored by: IainS2023

Broadband Boost and Sky Stream

So, moved to Sky Stream to save money as Q prices were jumping so much.


but... Q is a wifi extender and the layout of our house is quite a large footprint. So stream wouldn't work in bedroom and office was low signal.


Turned a Q mini back on and it was fine, spoke to Sky they sent a booster to replace the Q mini.


great, but I cannot get it to connect, press the two WPS buttons but no joy. Sky support couldn't detect and error so assumed the booster was faulty, they sent another one and same happening. Frankly I wasn't to throw the thing through a window and go buy my own booster... but I think Sky should be able to sort this out.


am I doing anything stupid? Measures already taken:

- off and on (router and booster)

- reset (router and booster)

- replaced booster

- placed booster closer to the router circa 3 m