Discussion topic: Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Let me hazard a guess that the reply will be along the lines that Sky take data protection requirements seriously and are content that they've complied fully with them.

This message was authored by Mqwerty This message was authored by: Mqwerty

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Sadly I suspect this will be the case though it will be useful to know what I need to do to make sure all my rights to object (and for deletion) are actioned in perpetuity- I don't want to be looking out for sneaky future changes.  Ive only been a Sky customer for a couple of months and they've already changed their policy. Also you ideally ought to attempt to resolve DP issues directly with the vendor before escalating to the ICO. 

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mqwerty wrote:

 I need to do to make sure all my rights to object (and for deletion) are actioned in perpetuity- I don't want to be looking out for sneaky future changes.  

The Act permits changes by the organisation processing the data as long as the holder of the registration seeks appropriate consent from the data subject. Doing otherwise would be a significant impediment to business, which as I mentioned before was an important consideration when the legislation was enacted: it's not intended to be an absolute and immutable 'protection' for consumers (right of centre administrations in particular tend to be ideologically opposed to that)


What cannot be reduced or removed are the fundamentals provided by the regulation itself.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by Sezziet This message was authored by: Sezziet

I am not happy my details, phone number and email are now going to be shared

Messaging using WhatsApp
You’re currently opted in to receive text messages from us. These have always been sent by SMS, but we’ll now start sending messages by WhatsApp too.

Advertising on social media
Today, depending on your communication preferences, we may share your phone number and email address with social media platforms, so Sky ads on those platforms can be personalised to you. To improve this personalisation, name and address information will also be shared with these platforms from now on. All information will be in a hashed format (meaning it’s converted into a string of numbers or letters to make it more secure), and the social media platform will only see data that matches an account already on its platform.

Data sharing with Sky Protect
From November, information about you will be shared with Sky Protect, operated by Neos Ventures Limited, a Sky company. Your name, address, date of birth and Sky iDs linked to your account will be used alongside third-party data to generate quotes for Sky Protect home insurance. We may then send you marketing or show you digital advertising about it. You’ll be able to manage this using a new setting in your communication preferences from October.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: I am not happy my details, phone number and email are now going to be shared

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

You're not emailing Sky, I'm afraid. I've moved yourost to a more suitable forum. 

This message was authored by MySkyDisplayName This message was authored by: MySkyDisplayName

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Surely we should have the right to cancel the account with no penalties if we do not accept the sharing of personal data.

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



I'm not aware that any such right exists either in the T&Cs of a Sky contract or in wider data protection law.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MySkyDisplayName wrote:

Surely we should have the right to cancel the account with no penalties if we do not accept the sharing of personal data.

Its very much up to each individual company what they allow.


Disney + have just announced a change to their privacy notice and state the following: 


If you do not agree to these changes, you may cancel your Disney+ subscription. If you are subscribed to an annual plan and you have more than a month left on your subscription, and you wish to cancel, simply call us or use online chat to contact us within 30 days of receiving this email. Unless you cancel your Disney+ subscription, then your subscription will continue under updated terms.


Worth noting they say to contact them if you are in an annual subscription and want to cancel but don't actually say what type of early termination they would charge if any.


Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by cruiser+rider This message was authored by: cruiser+rider

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Thats funny i just rang sky and today tbey said its a spoof email as i recceved exacactly the same email today.. So sho do we believe?

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@cruiser+rider wrote:

Thats funny i just rang sky and today tbey said its a spoof email as i recceved exacactly the same email today.. So sho do we believe?

It's not a spoof. The email is from Sky. Clearly a few advisers haven't been briefed.

This message was authored by Chloe-W22 This message was authored by: Chloe-W22

Re: data sharing

Posted by a Sky employee

how do you opt out of sky sharing your details with all and sundry?

If you want to opt out of sharing this data, you can unselect the Tailor my Sky iD advertising and services option in the Data & personalisation section.


You haven't commented on the plans to share address and date of birth with sky protect. 

There will be a new section within Data & personalisation where a customer can opt out of this in October.

If you want to opt out before October, then can do so by clicking the Privacy & cookies link at the bottom of Sky.com, selecting Your Rights and then the ‘this form’ link mid-way down the page.


Community Manager


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This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

@MarkGoldsmith wrote:

@MySkyDisplayName wrote:

Surely we should have the right to cancel the account with no penalties if we do not accept the sharing of personal data.

Its very much up to each individual company what they allow.


Disney + have just announced a change to their privacy notice and state the following: 


If you do not agree to these changes, you may cancel your Disney+ subscription. If you are subscribed to an annual plan and you have more than a month left on your subscription, and you wish to cancel, simply call us or use online chat to contact us within 30 days of receiving this email. Unless you cancel your Disney+ subscription, then your subscription will continue under updated terms.


Worth noting they say to contact them if you are in an annual subscription and want to cancel but don't actually say what type of early termination they would charge if any.


Annual subscribers to Disney+ pay for 12 months in advance, in return for a slight discount. Normally there is no right to cancel within that 12 month period (you've already paid in full) but in this case they will allow cancellations and issue a refund based on how many months remain of the subscription. 

This message was authored by SktCustomer1234 This message was authored by: SktCustomer1234

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Thanks for explaining. I am puzzled as to why Sky needs to share my personal information with social media, if I am a Sky customer already? Any marketing and offeres come to my email. 
Is there are direct email to sky that I can use to object to this?



This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Privacy notices and information and transparency

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SktCustomer1234 wrote:

Thanks for explaining. I am puzzled as to why Sky needs to share my personal information with social media, if I am a Sky customer already? Any marketing and offeres come to my email. 
Is there are direct email to sky that I can use to object to this?



There's an email address in their privacy notice.



I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own even if you don't like the answers
This message was authored by CorvusCoraxM32 This message was authored by: CorvusCoraxM32

How to withdraw consent to having my account details, including mobile number shared with socials

I've just received an email saying Sky wants to share my account details, including mobile number with social media platforms.


This is not something I wish to happen, and nobody I've contacted has seemed able to understand why I am against this.


I barely use a small selection of Social Media platforms, and even fewer of them have my mobile number. I am much less likely to use a company that spams me with targeted ads, and am likely to stop if they try and share my details.


I have been happy over the last few years with my Sky Mobile service, but, unless I can find a way to prevent my details being shared all over, I guess I'll have to find a new provider.


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