Discussion topic: Email me my latest bill

This message was authored by Mahesh2 This message was authored by: Mahesh2

Email me my latest bill

My new provider needs the following information. Please send it to me. It won't let me access it myself on my sky. Thanks.



Please contact your previous service provider and ask for the final itemised bill and download it in PDF format which should include name, address and "Debit adjustment" in it.


While sending the bill, make sure all the three things are visible on the bill:

1. Name of account holder

2. Debit adjustment

3. Disconnection date of previous supplier


Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Email me my latest bill

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


You can download a copy of your bill in the pdf format here which you will have to do as you are only talking to other customers here:



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