Discussion topic: U & Dave etc

This message was authored by Wibbly-Woo This message was authored by: Wibbly-Woo

U & Dave etc

Why are they bothering to change the names of Dave, Yesterday  etc ?

Seems to be a total waste of time and money ?

Most people will just continue to call the channels Dave, Yesterday etc etc.

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This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam Answer

Re: U & Dave etc

@Wibbly-Woo wrote:

Why are they bothering to change the names of Dave, Yesterday  etc ?

Seems to be a total waste of time and money ?

Most people will just continue to call the channels Dave, Yesterday etc etc.

That would be a question for UKTV. Sky have nothing to do with how a group of channels choose to identify themselves. 


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