Discussion topic: Landline connection

This message was authored by Markmad This message was authored by: Markmad

Landline connection


Just setting up sky broadband and sky talk, not going for Internet calls (poor mobile reception and vulnerable person living here). Reference our existing phone....do I plug it into the microfilter supplied by Sky? Do I plug it into the router? Or can I plug it into an old microfilter in another room (it's not a microfilter provided by Sky)?  Sorry for confusion!

Many thanks

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Landline connection

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Markmad if you don't have Internet calls, you plug the phone into the wall socket, not your Hub.


If the wall socket has separate ports for broadband and phone, you don't need to use,the microfilter. 


Otherwise plug your phone into the microfilter and plug the microfilter into the wall socket. Any microfilter will do - it doesn't need to be the one provided by Sky.

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