Discussion topic: Internet Calls

This message was authored by Ivann This message was authored by: Ivann

Internet Calls

My Sky package which includes internet calls has not yet gone live but I understand that a phone is plugged into the Sky hub. My query is that is this the only phone I can receive calls on ?

My wife and I are in our eighties and at present we have three digital phones, one upstairs and two down. If we are both upstairs and can only receive calls on the phone plugged into the hub which is downstairs, will we hear it and will we be able to get don stairs in time to enswer it. If we are still able to receive calls on any of our digital  phones then we dont have a problem.   

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Internet Calls

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If you have a standard cordless DECT phone set, where a base station currently plugs into the wall socket, then yes, it will continue to work with the base station plugged into the Hub. If not, they're not too expensive to buy - you can either have one handset which you take with you from room to room, or multiple handsets which you can place where you want.


If you currently have BT phones designed for the BT Digital Voice service, they're proprietary to BT and won't work with Sky internet calling. 

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