Discussion topic: Help with Hubs & Talk please

This message was authored by Mark101b This message was authored by: Mark101b

Help with Hubs & Talk please



Looking for some advice and help please ?


My elderly parents are moving from their flat to an Assisted living residence.

The currently have Sky broadband and Talk (Having a lanline line they still use)

The new home does Not have landline capability...


(but does have Sky dish. So they can still watch Sky No problems) 


The manager suggested getting a BT hub and use phones via that.

But confused and need some advice please 


1. Is a Sky Hub and BT hub the same thing ? (Do they do the same job)

As they have the Sky hub. I am hoping it's just a matter of changing details with sky. Address etc


2. If we can use the Sky Hub for calls. I have read that we will need to buy a "Dect" phone ? If so can we still use the same telephone number via sky ?


3. Or if we loose the landline number. How do we get a new number for friends and family to call.

(Parents are not tech friendly .. Mum demntia & Dad hard of hearing)


Many thanks in advance...

