Discussion topic: Disputed sky talk charges

This message was authored by Rosemary7 This message was authored by: Rosemary7

Disputed sky talk charges

I have been advised that my call charges are £85 next month.  I'm on sky talk.  I rang to query it and apparently I've made three calls to a French number which I haven't.  I googled the number and it says it's associated with spam.  The first agent told me I was lying and hung up on me.  I called back and was transferred to 5 different departments in total before I was disconnected as it was after 8pm. I've rung the number im supposed to have called and it's not even a valid number.  Has anyone had this issue before and how can I dispute the charges as no one at Sky will listen to me. 


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This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: Disputed sky talk charges

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Rosemary7  The onus is on the customer to prove that they weren't made.


it would seem sky has made its decision all you can is lodge a formal complaint if you wish to pursue further 



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Topic Author
This message was authored by Rosemary7 This message was authored by: Rosemary7

Re: Disputed sky talk charges

Well given that the number im supposed to have called isn't even valid I don't see how im supposed  to have made it.  I've already filed a complaint online.  I've also googled the number and it's says it's associated with spam 

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Disputed sky talk charges

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


You will need to let the complaint process run its course which means allowing Sky up to 8 weeks to deal with it. 

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
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Topic Author
This message was authored by Rosemary7 This message was authored by: Rosemary7

Re: Disputed sky talk charges

Yes I know I was trying to find out if anyone else had experienced similar issues 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Disputed sky talk charges

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

There have been very occasional reports. As I recall, Sky not unreasonably take the view that a charge can only be made against your account, if the number is dialled from your line, presumably on the basis that there's no other way for the charge to arrive on your account - unless, of course, they detect a fault.


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