Discussion topic: Calls disconnected with American voice

This message was authored by GemSav10 This message was authored by: GemSav10

Calls disconnected with American voice


We are having a lot of trouble with our phone line that we use for business purposes.


Previously all fine, no issues but over the last few weeks anyone trying to call the line gets disconnected with an American voice stating 'your call cannot be answered right now' and then ends.


This is costing us business as no one can get through.


Helpline said it may be the Panasonic phone we used but we have changed this and it is still happening.


We are paying for call diversion, 1571, anytime extra, super fast broadband, and broadband boost.


This line has been used for about 16yrs and as a business line for nearly 5yrs. Only over the last few weeks to months has this been happening.


I'd be grateful of any help to solve this.


Thank you