Discussion topic: Call divert charges

This message was authored by jachend88 This message was authored by: jachend88

Call divert charges

If I switch call divert on, and I am on sky talk anytime will the call charges for the diversion be charged seperate or be included in my talk package? 


All Replies

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Call divert charges

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

As you can see here  you will be charged £2.50 per month for this as it is an optional extra:



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Topic Author
This message was authored by jachend88 This message was authored by: jachend88

Re: Call divert charges

Yes, but it also refers to "usual charges" for the diverted bit of the call , I don't have charges as I have an inclusive package so looking to find out if diverted calls are also inclusive of the anytime package or if they are outwith the package and chargeable 

This message was authored by padre This message was authored by: padre

Re: Call divert charges

I think that as @caesarome has said you will be charged the £2.50. I had a similar situation mine was with Answer Phone (voicemail) that is also an added £2.50 on to the "Talk" tarriff. hope this helps.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Call divert charges

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@jachend88 the Tariff Guide indicates that,


"The diverted part of the call is charged to the Sky Talk customer at the standard Sky Talk rate depending on the type of phone the call is diverted to, e.g. mobile. The person calling is charged for a standard UK landline call and will be charged as normal by their calls provider."


I'm afraid that's as clear as mud to me and I can only guess it means the Pay as you Talk rate, not the rate determined by any other call package you ,ay have.



This message was authored by CopperClad This message was authored by: CopperClad

Re: Call divert charges

Did anyone find an answer to this?


I agree that the tarriff guide doesn't help with this query!

I'm trying to work out if it is worth me signing up to talk anytime or not, as my phone is diverted most of the time.

Topic Author
This message was authored by jachend88 This message was authored by: jachend88

Re: Call divert charges

I've been billed since and incurred no additional charges 🙂 

This message was authored by CopperClad This message was authored by: CopperClad

Re: Call divert charges

Thanks for letting me know!


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