Discussion topic: Broadband phone not ringing,

This message was authored by Dsky97 This message was authored by: Dsky97

Broadband phone not ringing,

Just joined sky broadband with the new digital phone setup. I have several phone extension sockets with other analog phones connected. I have managed to get the analog phones workin and get a dial tone can make and receive calls BUT the incoming call will not ring the analog phones. I have a BT In touch 2000 which has an indicator light which flashes when an incomming call starts, but no sound fron the other analog phones. what wiring do i need from the modem (analog connection) to make the phones ring?


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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Broadband phone not ringing,

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@Dsky97 wrote:

Just joined sky broadband with the new digital phone setup. I have several phone extension sockets with other analog phones connected. I have managed to get the analog phones workin and get a dial tone can make and receive calls BUT the incoming call will not ring the analog phones. I have a BT In touch 2000 which has an indicator light which flashes when an incomming call starts, but no sound fron the other analog phones. what wiring do i need from the modem (analog connection) to make the phones ring?

How have you connected your phone extensions? If you have internet calls (Sky VOIP) the only handset connection Sky currently support is directly to the phone port on the back of broadband Hub.


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