Discussion topic: Am I reading this right? Do I get Talk International Extra with WiFi Max?

This message was authored by Forestwalker This message was authored by: Forestwalker

Am I reading this right? Do I get Talk International Extra with WiFi Max?

Just trying to reduce my monthly bills and it appears you get Sky Talk International Extra which is £4pm versus the £16 I am paying for it as an add-on to my phone plan!? Is that right? How long has this been a thing?

I'm also looking at swapping to Sky Stream from Q as I'm fed up with paying for HD which I think should be standard by now but they want £40 installation for something that should be a plug and play box. 

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Am I reading this right? Do I get Talk International Extra with WiFi Max?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Forestwalker wrote:


Am I reading this screen wrong? If I buy WiFi Max do I get Talk International or is it telling me I already have those and WiFi Max will be added to what I have? 



I read that screenshot as the "New" part indicating what would be getting added to the package, as the Wifi Max is the new component with the superfast broadband and Talk International Extra being the existing parts of the package.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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