Discussion topic: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

This message was authored by CSH123456 This message was authored by: CSH123456

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

It happened at 7pm for me a couple of days ago, I was trying to download a programme on catchup. 

This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Its fine during the day.Just downloaded 25-30 programmes without any issue.As I already said it has been happening for the last 2-3 weeks in the evening between 8-11pm.I checked my settings and it shows connection fail on demand under networks.Spoke to Sky again this morning who deny anything has been reported and are saying it could be my wifi which is rubbish as my internet is fine.Lets see what happens when I change to Q in a few weeks and if the issues still persist which I doubt and its probably an issue with the amount of downloads over this busy period.I seem to recall a similar thing happening last year around the same time.Surely their tech team should have ensured a similar thing did not happen this year.Not everybody wants to change to Glass or Stream that have issues of their own.

The Customer Priority Team never even read the Community forums or they would be more up to date with what is happening.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Oddie2004 wrote:


The Customer Priority Team never even read the Community forums or they would be more up to date with what is happening.

I don't think Sky customer service advisers have access to the Community.

This message was authored by Mjt62 This message was authored by: Mjt62

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

It happened last year as sky teams were on a sales  drive on skyq but bt openreach confirmed my problem were broadband based so even if moved to skyQ the problem was still ongoing lol moved to bt broadband and guess what screen said due 2 broadband connection  pity tv and broadband at sky don't talk to each other lol

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mjt62 wrote:

It happened last year as sky teams were on a sales  drive on skyq but bt openreach confirmed my problem were broadband based so even if moved to skyQ the problem was still ongoing

Doesn't appear to be the case now, judging by the small, if any, number of posts on the Sky Q forum reporting this issue.

This message was authored by Mjt62 This message was authored by: Mjt62

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

This year its sky's way of getting skyHD boxes replaced by skyQ / streaming / or glass 

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mjt62 wrote:

This year its sky's way of getting skyHD boxes replaced by skyQ / streaming / or glass 

Whilst I am sure you think that @Mjt62 , I think SKY would use far more effective means to get customers to switch than rely on poor download speeds to annoy customers.

This message was authored by Mjt62 This message was authored by: Mjt62

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

As skyboxes not hd will stop working soon and sky no longer making skyHD boxes  to cause slight inconvenience it's  way to swap out,wonder if no broadband what sky will offer

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mjt62 wrote:

As skyboxes not hd will stop working soon and sky no longer making skyHD boxes  to cause slight inconvenience it's  way to swap out

More conspiracy ,nonsense. 

This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Weird.No issues at all tonight and seems to be really fast with downloads.Tried deleting some stuff that I had downloaded knowing I would probably not have time to watch it before my Q box is installed and now have 75% free on my planner.


This message was authored by oj01 This message was authored by: oj01

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mjt62 wrote:

This year its sky's way of getting skyHD boxes replaced by skyQ / streaming / or glass 

It really isn't! 

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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mjt62 wrote:

This year its sky's way of getting skyHD boxes replaced by skyQ / streaming / or glass 

If that's the case why do they let it work properly earlier in the day????????? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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This message was authored by mr.tickle This message was authored by: mr.tickle

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Oddie2004 wrote:

I had a long conversation with Customer Priority Team


but they have now offered me Sky Q with the current package I have and honoured my contracts on my current packages with 2TB box even though I have a non HD TV but apparently it is not an issue which is something they have told me in the past and is just connected the same as my current box which an engineer is coming to do in 1 months time so lets wait and see.


Woah, hang on a minute. That might be a disaster waiting to happen. SkyQ is not the same. The video connections are different and cut-down compared with Sky+HD. There's no SCART output and no RF output; so if you do have a non-HD TV, and your TV has no HDMI socket, you won't be able to connect SkyQ to your TV. Sky's "engineer" (they are not really engineers, they are technicians) will have a problem.


Does your TV have a HDMI socket? How is your current Sky+HD box connected to your TV?


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This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

My + HD box has an HDMI connector which is not used and it connects via AV port and aerial.Yes its an old tv but Sky have assured  me the Q box will work in the same way and that I wont be able to watch in HD which does not really bother me.I f the engineer says it is not possible they will have had a wasted visit and I will just stick with what I have and put up with the inconvenience of catch up and downloads not working occassionally as it is costing me nothing.I do not want to buy a new tv or change to glass as the only reason sky suggested I changed is because of the current issues but I am pretty sure it will not work but they do not really understand what I am trying to tell them tbh.

This message was authored by oj01 This message was authored by: oj01

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Oddie2004 Make sure that the engineer is aware of the limitations of your TV before they start doing anything with the dish/LNB.

As @mr.tickle states, the Sky Q box connects to your TV via a HDMI cable. 

Sky Community Forum SuperUser
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