Discussion topic: SKY + software enhancements

This message was authored by stevet987 This message was authored by: stevet987

SKY + software enhancements

I received an email saying that my Sky+ HD Box would no longer be receiving software enhancements and that I was being offered a free upgrade to Sky Q. We are very happy with Sky+ HD, have a lot of recordings and also have Freesat in another room connected to the dish. I have a lot of questions

1) What are the downsides of not accepting the offer?

2) How soon will the Sky + HD service deteriorate without software enhancements and will it become unusable?

3) How long is the free offer open for?

4) Can I upgrade to Sky Q and keep the Freesat connection for the other TV?

5) If I upgrade to Sky Q, can I connect the old Sky+ HD Box to a separate TV and watch the recordings?

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: SKY + software enhancements

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@stevet987 wrote:

I received an email saying that my Sky+HDD Box would no longer be receiving software enhancements and that I was being offered a free upgrade to Sky Q. We are very happy with Sky+HDD, have a lot of recordings and also haveFreesatt in another room connected to the dish. I have a lot of questions

1) What are the downsides of not accepting the offer?

The hard disk will eventually fail. Diminishing support for Sky+ equipment. The offer may expire.

2) How soon will the Sky +HDD service deteriorate without software enhancements and will it become unusable?

There hasn't been any software upgrade for many months. It's unlikely to become unusable as a result of a lack of updates

3) How long is the free offer open for?

I doubt Sky will say.

4) Can I upgrade to Sky Q and keep theFreesatt connection for the other TV?

You would need to request a hybrid LNB. I'm not sure that Sky still provide,them

5) If I upgrade to Sky Q, can I connect the old Sky+HDD Box to a separate TV and watch the recordings?

I'm afraid not.


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